
18 1 0

Walls all around.
No one to help
So I slept.
Woke up and still was not found.

Swallowed by darkness.
Nothing to see.
I am not free.
I am surrounded by loneliness.

No sound .
Nothing but silence.
There is no kindess
In a cage that felt round.

Cold wet floor.
It's like a flood.
But instead of water it is blood.
I am in a cage with no door.

I wanted answers.
I shouted and screamed!
But no one was with me,so it seemed.
The cage had no corners.

It was an infinite cage.
Just like the cage,my misery is never ending.
And people think i'm pretending.
I don't even remember my age.

The time i've spent here
Is the time I have lost.
It is so cold that I will frost.
And the people who put me here will cheer!

I don't know if this is a good thing
Or if it's a curse.
But I know I need a nurse
To stitch up my wounds and I'm weakening.

I'm trapped in a never ending time loop.
A life with no hope of surviving
Is not a great way of living.
I want a bowl of soup.

If this is what it means to live
I wouldn't have agreed
And follwed the lead
For I could not forgive.

The want to fit in
Is not a great thought.
As my angels and demons fought
I have no shoulder to lean.

Wanting peer acceptance
I did what they did
But who can blame me? I was just a kid
Who wanted to go in the entrance.

The entrance for a new friend
Is not what I should've done
For them it was fun
But for me it was a means to no end.

I am trapped in a different dimension
A world where popularity matters.
More than manners
And that is not a great sight to mention.

Don't be me.
Just be yourself!
For if you be me,you'll be stuck on a bookshelf
Where you won't be free!

A cage undercover as a fairytale...
It isn't real!
Whether it's your mind or what you feel
For you'll be pushed off the rail!

This feeling of being trapped
Is not a great feeling.
For after a while you'll find yourself screaming!
For you won't be able to adapt.

Trying to escape
Will result badly.
Which could be deadly!
And around your mouth there'll be a tape.

You can't ask for help anymore
And you'll be forgotten.
And you'll die because you have not eaten
And you'll be found offshore.

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