Death is certain.

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Death will come.
It is sudden for some.
Then there are ones we can anticipate.
Hating the inevitable, but still have to wait.

There are some with warning signs.
Weakened knees, loss of appetite,
Fits of cough and sudden energy.
There are no clear lines.

Death is unavoidable and so is grief.
One day you think you have all the memories,
Then years later, you would think it was too brief.
Now it isn't just bodies, but also our regrets that they burry.

Death takes lives.
Not just that of the dead but that of who is left to remember.
Stuck in recollection and stillness.
Soon, the living no longer thrives.

Once stuck in death, one cannot forget.
Once experienced loss, one cannot move on.
Days to weeks to months to years.
No amount of time can be set to alarm the end of ones sorrow.

Death strikes and leaves bones and scars.
But after death there is no suffering.
For where the dead goes, there is none to be found.
The living has this for solace.

Death is inescapable.
Everyone will meet their end and creator.
Everyone will feel pain and loss.
Everyone will disappear and turn into dust.

No matter how much we hope for death to come at a later date.
It is everyones sealed fate.
However, everyone will meet again through believing in Him.
Give it all to Him, our faith.

So love as strongly and passionately in the present
as you have in the past and as much as you will in the future.
Stay with the ones you love.
Don't leave just because of an argument or a disagreement.

Separation is clear.
Enjoy the time and try your best to make time.
Money can be earned back but time cannot.
Stomachs can be filled later but our hearts cannot.

Once something is lost, its void will be hard to fill.
But don't ponder on the what ifs and should have beens once loss arrives.
Or else regret will widen the void into an abyss
And it will be even more challenging to close that up.

Written:09/2019, 17/05/2024
Published: 17/05/2024


From my previous poems, you can guess why death has been on my mind... I hope you aren't thinking too much on death but I guess in reading this poem, that hope is lost😅. I can't really hope anything for you because I don't know you personally, but I do pray that whatever hurt you are feeling right now or whatever thoughts you have, I pray that you will feel better soon and you know and remember, you are never alone. Best to talk with someone about stuff in our heads or express them in writing, drawing, screaming or other stuff (other than violence) than let it build up in our little heads and burst into something we don't want to see or experience.

I hope you have a blessed day/noon/afternoon/night/evening!

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