Trying Not To Think

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I try not to think.
Beside each other
We both drink.
Why should i bother?

I try not to show.
Beside you,I cannot
Let you know
About the knot.

I don't know how people may react.
I don't want to think or feel.
I have to keep up the act.
They can't know what's real.

Were you looking at her or me?
She and I sat side by side.
I hope my feelings i can hide.
Why can't they let me be?

I told her the possibility
That the times she got annoyed by you
Was your own form of a nice quality.
I don't think she got the clue.

The times I thought about it
Are the times reality flew.
I have to find something new
Before what i really feel hit.

Telling myself to stop thinking.
Telling myself to stop over-thinking.
Telling myself to stop or else i'll keep sinking.
Telling myself to stop shrinking.

Tried to convice her
Or maybe convince myself.
I should find something to infer.
I don't know what she thinks about by herself.

Why do I start a feeling so easily?
I mean we all can feel whatever freely.
I just want to know the reason for mine.
I cry then i try to persuade myself i'm fine.

I searched how to get over the feel.
They said I should try to cry.
It all happens in a circle like a wheel.
I really did truly try.

Tried to stop;
Feelings might drop.
No more hope;
Held by a rope.

Some say time helps some wounds heal.
I have yet to find out of it is real.
My feelings I sometimes cannot deal.
My secrets I want to seal.

I try to say you are just being nice.
I try to keep my reactions frozen and cold as ice.
I try not to think about stuff.
I try to say it's not a bluff.

What is it like to be asked?
I wonder if it would be easier
For someone to right out say what you lacked
Or gossip behind you like a gun with a silencer?


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Hope you liked the poem :). Quite a short poem

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