Fight For Freedom

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Hands are chained
Decisions are made
People are crained
Stuck outside with no shade

Stand to let them sit
They do what they see fit.
Judgemental stares
Eyes with Freedom flares.

'I have a dream' speech
MLK can preach
He got assasinated
After he cheated.

Rosa Parks,stayed seated
They aren't defeated.
Fight For Freedom
This is his kingdom.

We are merely the workers
Helping keep the earth well.
If we do it then everything will be swell
Try not to hate on the haters.

We fight for freedom of opinion
Our mouths can be like an onion.
Layer by layer it can make someone cry
Word by word you may start to lie.

Fighting is not right
Seeing someone you hate at first sight
You should not make them submit
Or make them feel small as a hermit.

Freedom to say what we want
Without having to run and pant.
Freedom to have a choice
Without cutting out our voice.

Fight for peace
No more frown crease.
Fight for understanding
No more fighting.

Live the way you want to be treated
So when you meet it won't be heated.
Live with confidence
So no more builing a fence.

Some places still don't let people free
It could be you or her or him or me.
Some places still have slaves
They could be kept in caves.

Hello gello.

Another short poem... Hope it was good.

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