Smile because......

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Smile because the sun rises from the East to the West.
Smile because as it sets and rises,we rest.

Smile because the birds sing their song.
Smile because the wind whistles along.

Smile because the soil enriches the plants.
Smile because they also feed the ants.

Smile because the ocean is full.
Smile because we are near a smaller ocean-the pool.

Smile because of the roof covering your head.
Smile because you can lay down on your bed.

Smile because you are alive.
Smile because you did survive.

Smile because today ends.
Smile because tomorrow starts anew.

Smile because you ate breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Smile because you took 10 or 5 or 1 step,you are a winner.

Smile because you tried.
Smile because you cried.

Smile because you sad.
Smile because you are happy.

No matter how little or common or normal the things happening around you may be.
Smile because they happened.

No matter how many tears or sweat appear on your body.
Smile because you will overcome the thing that made you cry and sweat.

No matter how often you feel lazy or 'useless' or inactive.
Smile because you woke up today.
Smile because you are here today and you may be unaware on how you made other people smile.

No matter how much you feel down.
Smile after you let all those feelings out because you are strong and you will push through.

Smile because your smile brightens the room.
Your smile is enough to make a flower bloom.


I hope you are doing well! I actually have been smiling more recently. Sure, I do feel like there are times when my smile feel fake BUT eventually when I realize that what I'm doing is actually something to be happy about,I actually genuinely smile.  I hope your days will be filled with your own genuine smile(genuine to you,not just for other people). Smiles are our outward expression of what we feel inside. Just like tears and frowns when we are sad, angry,confused and thinking.

It's actually better to look at the good things we have in life rather than the bad or what we don't have.

I think this MIGHT be my first ever poem that doesn't include a sad vibe?? Idk.... um...

I hope you have a blessed day/afternoon/evening wherever and whenever you are! :D

Written & published:22/11/2021

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