Could You Stay or Would You Rather Leave?

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I know you feel controlled.
I know you feel restrained.
I know you feel these everyday.
I know you'd rather not stay.

I know you are angry.
I know you feel hungry
for more than this life.
I know you feel stabbed with a knife.

I know you want your own space.
I know you want to win the race.
I know you want to leave.
I know what you believe.

I know you can't wait to go
but I know you want to stay also.
I know now in the present,
it's them you might resent.

I know you can't wait to run away.
I know no longer you don't want to stay.
I know nothing could change your mind.
I know anger made you blind.

I want you to know they love you.
I want you to know it hurts them too.
It hurts to hear you want to go.
It hurts but it can't show.

You don't know I sometimes feel the same.
Whenever it happens I feel shame.
Whenever you say that,I often cry.
Please understand them,at least try.

Would you leave and ignore?
Ignore the number of years spent before.
You don't know the number of lies
that were said saying okays and fines.

If you stay longer,will you understand?
If you left,you won't be banned.
Do you know what they want?
They wanted you from when you were an infant.

Could you stay or would you leave?
If you left,what will you achieve?
A medal or trophy,you won't receive.
Please don't be naive.

You want freedom?
At the end you may feel numb.
You want a voice?
You always had a choice.

You were the one who wanted to go.
You were the one who couldn't wait.
Will you be leaving tomorrow?
Is it really too late?

What have your 'friends' been telling you?
Are they leaving too?
What have we been telling you?
Look at the lies you brew.

You convinced yourself with dishonesty.
Leaving would make you free?
They never saw you as a property.
You look to anger,that's why their love you can't see.

Go leave,just don't resent
like what you are doing in the present.
Sure stay,just don't be rude
based on your mood.


Hiii. Long time no update. Hope you all are staying safe and at home right now.


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