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What a wonderful day.
Up early in the morning.
No time for mourning.
That is the only way.

Meet with friends.
Go to school.
Who are we to fool?
We are happy this chapter ends!

Line up,walk,up the stairs and bow.
Of course we know how.
Yet,we still disappoint you.

Sit back down and we wait.
We watch as everyone does the steps.
We see who are the reps.
Can't wait to graduate.

We end later but now we can eat.
Gathered at our usual place.
We are close to ending this race.
Oh how it hurts our feet.

Back to the hall we go.
We wait again and listen.
We see some eyes glisten.
On with the show.

Soon we end with a word.
A word we can't wait to be spoken.
Oh what a wonderful token.
So long it was almost absurd.

Finally the time came.
He spoke the word and we threw.
The caps flew and we withdrew.
Just a fleeting moment,what a shame.

All 6 years we went through
reaching for our aim.
The happiness and sadness we claim.
Unsure to take a picture with who.

It flew by like a fly.
Pictures taken with graduation gowns.
We don't look like clowns.
Some did cry.

What a momentous occasion.
What a fleeting moment.
At school,our personalities ferment.
This is a joyous celebration.

Here we say "Goodbye".
Goodbye to the people who taught us.
Goodbye to the rooms we learn at.
Time really does fly.

Here we say "Hello".
Hello to the future ahead.
Hello to the places we go.
Things really do outgrow.

Here we say "See you again".
See you to the people we grew up with.
See you to the place we may never return to.
We don't have to forget.

Such a wonderful day spent.
All from different countries and states.
Today we are content.

We have grown and we will grow.
The past and present self.
Memories will be kept on a shelf.
The future we will never know.

What a joyous occasion.
What a wonderful celebration.
What a beautiful salutation.
What a colorful graduation.


Hiiii reader!

I just graduated highschool recently(19/06/2021 Saturday) and my! It felt quick and yet slow... I was tired after graduation so I didn't take a lot of pictures which I very much regret! However the memories are there.

I hope you had/will have a wonderful graduation whether it'd be for kindergarten,primary,highschool or university! Take lots of pictures! If u go early,take them. And do/say what u want so u won't regret in the future but of course not anything mean or offensive!

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening!

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