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Feelings are confusing at times
But feelings aren't crimes.
It can be good
Depending on your mood.

There is love
Then hate.
At the side you shove
It can be something you create.

It can be made with 1 glance
Or made with a chance.
It can be built
With happiness or guilt.

It can be a gift
A burden it may lift.
Tears it may bring
But with happines you may sing.

Anger shows you care
Sometimes it's not fair.
Feelings sometimes bring the truth
From when you were a youth.

It shows who you are
And how long the relationship is far.
Feelings bring you joy
But for some people feelings may be a toy.

Some people's feelings are unknown
As it also depends on the person's tone.
Their gestures show you
What you should do.

The uncontrolable feelings
Has different meanings.
It's either for your passion
Or from a distraction.

Feelings aren't meant to be controled
For in your heart is where your feelinds hold.
Feelings can be thoughts
Or emotions with shots.

Having feelings isn't weakness
Or vulnerability.
It's also not about uniqueness
Or sensitivity.

Feelings can be emotions
Or finding a hair in different oceans.
Meaning it can be hard to find
Unless you use your heart and mind.

Think hard about what you're thinking
Before you go sinking
Into your unknown emotion/feeling
And whatever it is you're dreaming.

It's hard to find it
But try not to quit.
For it is important
To know what you want.


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