
17 1 0

Masks all around.
True feelings will be found.
The secrets will be known
For the cover is blown.

It'll come out one by one.
It cannot be stopped for it had been done.
All that is hidden
Will be unwritten.

The masks will come off.
Yes,it will be tough
But it is alright
For there won't need to be a fight.

People will either listen or ignore,
Open or shut the door.
But we need to stay strong
For it won't be long.

We only need at least one person
For it to not worsen.
That person will understand
And will lend a helping hand.

He/she will be there through and through
Until you will stop feeling blue
The masks are down.
They can see your frown.

Your hidden love will be seen.
There won't be a scene.
Be brave about it!
You'll be more confident bit by bit!

The masks are off and the one they see is real.
Don't be scared to feel.
Don't need to fit in for someone.
Just go have fun!

If not then time will tell.
The masks will fade
But do not dwell.
Don't take out your blade.

It is better to show than hide.
Don't move to the countryside!
Head up high
Remove your nervousness with a sigh.

Just stay and show them
Who you truly are!

Hey hey hey!

Um... I've thought about how some people put up a facade to comfort others or to hide their real feelings. I realise that though people may seem nice and happy and 'perfect' around others but when no one else is there they are broken and sad and alone... Or someone is nice to you but not to others...

Or how sometimes people hide their true feelings(whether it'd be sadness or jappiness or love or hate) towards specific group of people or a specific person.

The 'masks' could also be their hidding spot... In a way,their own safe zone and the only time they take it out and see the real them is when they are alone or with someone they truly trust...

Hehehe... Just my thoughts...

Vote,share,comment what you think or just keep readind! :)

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