"The fuck is so funny?" He snapped. I laughed a bit louder, standing up straight. I turned towards him with a grin on my face before replying.

"That night I fucked your mom."

"Man." I chuckled, shaking my head. He growled, charging towards me again. He aimed for my face until I swerved to the side, smashing him against the lockers. He mumbled a few words as he slowly stood to his feet.

"You better watch what you say boy!" He growled, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Or what?" I chuckled.

"You know what I'm capable of Perez, don't push me."

"I think I just did." I grinned, raising my brows. We charged towards each other until colliding into one. I gave the first punch before slamming him to the ground. He grabbed a hold of my foot, bringing me down with him.

"PRINCETON!" I heard Monroe's voice as I took a punch from Daniel. He punched me again and again until I became dizzy.

"STOP IT DANIEL!" Moe yelled.

"Or what?" He growled.

"You're gonna hurt me?"

"I could break your ass in two, sweetheart."

"You touch her and I'll make your life a living hell!" I threatened, grabbing his collar. He slapped my hands away, punching me again.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Daniel." Monroe said.

"I'm pretty sure what he did was a mistake."

"What are you, some kind of peacemaker?" He asked.

"A genie?"

"A fucking fairy!"

"This is the real world!" He spat.

"Not some damn fairy tail!"

"There's no such thing as a happy ending!"

"No one gives a fuck about feelings!" He snapped.

"And this motherfucker right here!" He pointed towards me.

"Could care less about you!"

"Don't listen to him!" I spat, breathing heavily.

"Just a fucking loser." He said, punching me in the face.

"STOP IT!" Moe yelled.

"JUST A FUCKING LIAR, CHEATER....A DAMN FREAK!" He yelled in my face as he continued his beating. I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards us as I took those licks from him.

Smack! Was all I heard then Daniel falling over to the floor. I glanced up towards the figure, seeing Monroe standing there with a history book in her hands. She breathed heavily, dropping the book then coming to my rescue.

"You okay?" She asked, moving her hair away from her face.

"Damn." I mumbled.

GRAVITY [OLD VERSION] | PRINCETON PEREZWhere stories live. Discover now