Chapter 4 Just a bad day.

Start from the beginning

Come on Kass. Don't be like that. This move was hard on me too.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up. Mr. Jones was emerging from his classroom this must have been his free period.


I had completely forgotten that I didn't finish my algebra homework. That's okay. I had time to try and finish it before his class maybe. Wait no, Ruby said he expected it in the morning.

Shit. shit. shit.

I walked passed him hoping like hell he didn't see me.

"Miss Cole." I heard him say.

That's okay Kassidy, Act like you didn't hear it I thought to myself as I kept walking.

"Miss Cole!" He said again, with more than a hint of anger in his tone. I stopped in my tracks and sighed. It was clear the God of bad days was not about to give me a freaking break!

Killian POV

I had spent half the night wondering if perhaps yesterday I was too hard on Kassidy. It was her first day yesterday after all and she did seem rather upset when she left my classroom yesterday evening. Though, no one I gave detention walked out of there with a smile on their face to be honest. So when I saw Kassidy walking the hall obviously trying to avoid me, I figured it was because she hadn't handed in her homework. She turned around and looked at me. Her fists were clenched at her sides, Her hair was a mess, and there were dark circles under her eyes. A Far cry from the bubbly, sarcastic little thing that she was yesterday. She looked stressed, and tired and there was a little scab on her bottom lip, that hadn't been there yesterday. Not that I paid attention to her lips. I was a little more than concerned that perhaps things were not swell at home for Miss Cole and I wanted to ask her if she was okay but I didn't want to be inappropriate.

"Yes.. Mr. Jones?" She asked in a tone that suggested she would rather be anywhere else.

"I haven't gotten your homework." I said flatly.

Idiot. She's clearly upset. Way to fuel the fire. I thought to myself I wasn't sure why I suddenly cared so much about Miss Cole and her feelings.

"I was late this morning.. I can bring it to you when I come to class." She said and looked behind her. She was obviously in a hurry.

"Oh, No if you have it I'd like it now." I said.

"Can't I just bring it to you later? I really need to get to class." She asked.

I just gave her a look and held my hand out.

"I don't have it." She said.

"Why not?" I asked and folded my arms across my chest.

"I just.. I will have it later. Okay?" She said.

"Miss Cole.." I said.

"God What is your problem?!" She demanded her cheeks turning bright red with anger and her knuckles turning white.

"It was a simple question Miss Cole! Why is your homework not done?!" I demanded back at her.

"Because I didn't know how to do it! Because I stayed up until freaking midnight and I still couldn't figure it out!" She screamed and threw her hands up in the air. The bell rang. "Oh. That's just great. I'm late. To Another class. Thank you. Thank you so much." She said and turned around and stormed off.

"Miss Cole!" I shouted after her but she would not turn around. She just kept walking.

Kassidy POV

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