"They're going to make up and-"

"I get it." I cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest. I heard him chuckle as I headed towards the car. I spotted Chres and the others make their way down the street, still reacting to what just happened. I caught Princeton look back, meeting my eyes; he simply turned away after two seconds. I got in the car, closing the door and buckled up.

Chris made me feel a little bit better after what he said, but I was still nervous to meet my family. I just want to fit in and have fun with them; get to know them and hear what used to happen back in the day.

Corbin and Shaun got in, after locking up and we were on our way to the country side of LA. I placed my headphones in and relaxed a bit while staring out of the window.


After about an hour, we came to a stop in front of a nice size house. Does everyone in my family live in a big house? Corbin put the car in park before looking back at me.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded, giving a weak smile in response.

"You'll be fine love." Shaun smiled. They got out, leaving me in the car. I sighed, slowly getting out as well. I placed my headphones away and followed behind them, leading me to the back yard. Corbin unlocked the gate, letting us through first. I heard music and spotted a couple of people dancing, little kids running around, older guys playing cards or chatting with one another.

"CORBIN!" A group of older men called out. He greeted them all with a handshake as they joked around a bit. Shaun hugged a few, giggling to their comments.

"Who's this?" One asked, pointing towards me.

"She looks like Kendall." Another said.

"This is my little sister Monroe but we call her Moe." Corbin introduced, placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Get out of here." One said, sitting up straight.

"Damn! I didn't know Kendall had a daughter." Another said.

"Moe these are your older cousins; Stanley, Brian and Justin." Corbin began. They waved with a nice smile.

"That's your uncle Thomas and uncle Dexter." He finished.

"Hi." I shyly smiled.

"Girl don't be acting shy, give me a hug." My uncle Thomas stated as he opened his arms for an embrace. I giggled, hugging him tightly as he did the same.

"Welcome to your first D'Carter family gathering." Uncle Dexter stated, making everyone laugh.

"Where's Aunt Janice?" Corbin asked.

"She's in and out of the kitchen." Justin answered. "l

"Alright, I'll be back so save me a spot." He said, pointing towards them. I waved towards them again, following behind Corbin. He waved at other members as I got a few stares from them. I watched some kids, about my age and younger, in the pool playing around.

"What's going on girl?" Corbin greeted to a woman who look about in her late thirties. She favored my mother a lot; I'm guessing this was Aunt Janice.

GRAVITY [OLD VERSION] | PRINCETON PEREZWhere stories live. Discover now