January 28th

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I woke up in Jack's arms under his crisp white bedsheets. I sat up and made my way to his bathroom to take a shower.

Jack's Bedroom

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Jack's Bedroom

"Where ya going?" Jack mumbled before I made it halfway to the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna take a shower is all," I admitted. "Could you toss me my phone from out of my purse?"

"Sure, I've gotta get up anyways." He said while rubbing his eyes. "I'm sure a certain little girl is wide awake and ready to go to school."

He reached for my purse that was sitting on the edge of the wooden nightstand but fumbled, and the brown bag fell on the floor, emptying all of its contents onto the floor, including the positive pregnancy test.

He slid off of the bed and to the floor to pick my things up.

"I'm sorry I should've been more carefu—."His words broke off when his eyes landed on the pregnancy test. 

He picked it up, bringing it in clear view for him and me both to see.

"What's this?" He asked in confusion.

I hated it when he acted dumb. He knew what the fuck it was.

"Jack, you clearly can tell what that is."I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Daddy?!" Julianna came rushing into the bedroom and tumbled onto the bed, breaking the tension in the room.

"Hello." He said before quickly placing the test on the nightstand. A big smile spread across his face as he began tickling his daughter. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes !" She yelled. "The tooth fairy didn't come through." She frowned.

"Hmm...maybe she was running late, just like you'll be if you don't get ready for school!" He yelled in his silly voice before picking her up and throwing her in the air.

She screamed in excitement before landing in his arms and wiggled from him to the ground.

She gave me a big hug before running down the hall to her bedroom.

When she was entirely out of view, Jack closed the bedroom door, and I felt a wave of nervousness. I didn't know if we'd be fighting or embracing one another.

"So how long did you know that you were pregnant ?" He questioned.

"I have to pee, so either you can wait out here, or you can stand by the door, and we can talk."

"Don't try to lighten the mood." His voice deepened.

Here we go, Jack the Jackass was about to start an argument.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. By the time I pulled down my panties, Jack was leaning against the doorway.

"I just took the test yesterday. As soon as I finished throwing up in class, I knew I needed to take one." I admitted.

When I finished peeing, I turned on the shower.

"So, who's do you think it is?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

Before my brain could even process, the back of my left hand connected with his right cheek.

"Don't you ever fucking disrespect me like that. You know damn well this child is yours. I can't believe you would ask me some shit like that." I barked.

"Do not ever slap me again, Maliyah." He barked back. "You've been away from me for a full month, and I don't know what the fuck you've been doing or who you've been doing."'

I went in to slap the shit out of him again, but this time he grabbed my hand, stopping it before it could even reach his face.

"Maliyah. I'm not going to hit you back, but you need to calm the fuck down. Now." He ordered. His face looked angrier than I've ever seen him look.

I snatched my arm away before folding my arms against my chest.

"Can you get out so I can shower?"

"No, not until we're done talking about this. Have you been to the doctor yet?"

"No, I just found out yesterday Jack."

"I'm gonna make some arrangements, we're going today, even if I have to pull some strings." He assured.

He left the room, closing the door behind him as I stripped and stepped into the now lukewarm water.

"Fuck," I whispered. I did sleep with someone else. Kyle.

I squeezed the bottle of Dove and slathered it onto a loofa.

All of this shit happened so fucking fast. One minute I was an escort, then I was dating my English teacher who turned out to be apart of a fucking Russian mafia, then I was kind of engaged, and now I'm pregnant, and I don't know if it's Kyle's or Jack's.

Jack would fucking kill me if I told him the truth.

"Maliyah, I've gotta take Anna to school, I'll be back!" He yelled from the bedroom.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

When I felt like they were gone, I slid into an outfit that I tucked away into Jack's drawers.

I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and raided the kitchen in hopes of something to make me feel better.

Jack didn't come back until 12, but when he did, he came in with a bouquet and a box of chocolates.

"I'm really sorry about how I was acting earlier. I'm not trying to buy my way into your forgiveness. I just wanted you to know that I really do apologize."

And here comes the guilt raining down on me.

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