Foldin Clothes

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We arrived at Baskin Robins and the sky looked like it was going to spoil our day with rain in any minute. Luckily we rushed into the restaurant before the clouds moved and the rain fell.

"Go ahead and pick your flavors." I said pointing at the ice cream behind the glass shield.

I looked around to see a few teenagers sitting down at a red booth, an old man sitting next to a window, and an elderly woman sitting with who seemed to be her grandson.

The bell of the ice cream shop rang as my eyes turned to see a man dressed in fashionable clothing. He looked highly professional and highly attractive. He had dark hair and stood to be a good 6 feet tall.

"Okay, I've decided." Kody's cute little voice brought me back to reality.

"I want strawberry with sprinkles." He said pointing to the pink tub of ice cream behind the counter.

I got the cashier's attention and informed her of what kind of ice cream he wanted. I ended up getting a vanilla ice cream cone before paying the cashier.

After a few moments, the lady handed the ice cream cone to Kody with a smile.

We sat at a table across from the mystery man.

It was strange, he hadn't ordered a thing from the menu, instead he sat at his table patiently as if he was waiting for someone.

If you dress that nice why would you wait in a cheap ice cream shop like this? I thought.

"Auntie, you said mommy was going to visit me today." Kody acknowledged.

"I will call her as soon as we leave here." I promised. I handed him a napkin. "Here wipe your face."

He took the napkin from me and began wiping around his mouth.

When he finished his ice cream we headed home, so he could do his homework.

I was relieved to smell the pleasant scent of febreeze when we finally arrived at my house.

I kicked off my shoes and sat my coat across the arm of the couch before taking a seat. I checked my phone to see a message from Jack.

I bet that ice cream was as sweet as that dessert between your legs.
- Jack

How did he even know that I'd gotten ice cream? I thought long and hard before coming to a conclusion. Without hesitation I found his contact and pushed the call button. After three short rings he picked up.

"Hello Detka."

"Don't you detka me Jack. You had someone follow me."

"Fine you got me, I won't lie, it's only for your safety." He took a deep breath. "I don't know how things over here might affect things over there why I'm away, so I hired one of my men to watch after you."

"Your men? Damn how many do you have? Why can't you just be the normal English teacher that I thought you were."

"I will be when I get back home, Maliyah. I promise, but for now I need you to understand and work with me. I didn't plan on having to come back to Moscow or have feelings for you.

My heart fluttered every time he admitted his feelings for me.

I sighed. "I suppose, if you're gonna have body guards watching me, can you please tell them to either be more discreet or come over and say hi."

"That was Eli  you saw today, I'll be sure to inform him to come say hi to you, but I've gotta get to bed it's 3 am, and I have to be up at six."

"Can't wait for you to get some dessert." I teased.

"Oh I can't wait either detka, I'm greedy when it comes to that, you're my favorite flavor."

After saying our goodbyes I ended the call and went to check on Kody. He was still finishing up his homework.

"Do you need any help?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"I'm almost finished." He said while filling in a blank space.

I stepped foot in the kitchen in search of a quick and easy meal, when I remembered the money Jack had left for me to use.  I ordered a Pizza Hut pizza and did a few chores before feeding Teddy his dinner.

"Auntie, is my mom coming?" Kody said while emerging from his bedroom.

"I'm so sorry baby, I totally forgot."

I quickly picked up my phone and dialed her number, but I didn't get an answer. Instead of calling her back I sent her a text informing her that Kody was missing her.  Hours passed and she still hadn't responded. Kody had already passed out on the floor with his Batman action figure in his hand.

I picked him And toted him to the bedroom. He looked like the sweetest little boy ever all curled up underneath the covers.

I took a bubble bath. I needed to wine down and relax. I was playing music from my phone on Spotify when Jack's name appeared on the caller ID. I reached down and picked the phone up from the bath rug.


"Hey. What you up too?"  He asked.

"I'm just taking a bath." I sighed before leaning back against the bathtub base.

"Oh, do you want me to call you back then?"

"No, I can talk. When are you coming back?"

He hesitated before answering.  "About a week."

"A week?!" I yelled. "I just thought it'd be a couple of days."

"I'm sorry, detka." He apologized. "But duty calls."

"Okay and my pussy is calling ."

He laughed really hard. "I'll be sure to answer to her when I get home."

"So what are you going anyways ?"

"I'm just putting some things together at my Uncle's house. I'll have to bring you to meet him sometime."

"To Russia?." I asked.

"Well yeah , you're my girlfriend now, I want you to meet my family."

"Umm, I don't really know what to say to that. Family is great and all ,but I'm not ready to get married."

"Calm down detka, who said anything about marriage?"

"I just thought because you know you're older and it seems like you've got your life together-"

"I'll take things slow with you Maliyah." He said cutting me off. "But I've gotta go, have a goodnight dear."

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