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I woke up early to make breakfast, but not just for me, but for Jack and I. I had a good night sleep and was ready to get the day started. I sent Jack a text to come join me for breakfast. I made pancakes with strawberries on top, bacon, eggs, and I was just finishing up the cheese grits. 

"Smells really good in here." Jack said startling me. I didn't hear him come in, sometimes he could creep up on me without me even noticing.

"Good Morning." I said while giving him a big smile.

Teddy was wagging his tail back and forth as Jack bent down and rubbed his back.

I guess everyone was in a great mood.  I had taken a shower before I started breakfast. I was dressed and ready to go.  I sat the food on the dining room table along with two glasses and a pitcher of orange juice. Jack washed his hands in the kitchen while I sat at the table and said my prayers.

"I didn't know you were religious."  Jack said while sitting at the table.

"I mean I don't go to church every single Sunday, but I'm thankful for what I have and the people in my life." I acknowledged while placing two pancakes on to my plate.

"Are you thankful for me?" He asked before taking a bite out of a piece of bacon.

"Of course, you let me into your home and you're a great teacher."

"I'm thankful for you too you know." He admitted.

"I don't do anything spectacular, honestly." I shrugged.

"You do everything spectacular, honestly." He said while mimicking my response.

We finished eating breakfast and chatting about our beliefs not once bringing up last nights events that I oh so badly wanted to finish.

Jack helped me clean off the table and clean the kitchen before he headed back to his house to get ready for the study group at school.

I gave Teddy more water and checked the weather on my phone. Like most days in the fall, it was going to be a little chilly, but this time we were expecting rain.   While scrolling through Instagram, I had an incoming call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, my sweet baby. How are you?" Said the voice I knew all to well.

It was my mother ,Tammy. She never called me nevertheless did she write me on Facebook.

"How'd you get my number?" I snapped.

"Now that's no way to talk to the woman that birth you." She snapped back.

"What do you want mama?"

"I don't want anything, dear. I'm just checking on you. Your auntie said she was worried about you."

So that's how she got my number. She must've nosied her way in and got my Auntie to tell her.

"I'm doing fine. I have to go though I have class."

"Ok honey. Call me back. I love y—."

Before she could finish I ended the call. That woman didn't love me, she only loved the finer things.

I followed Jack to the school in my car. We met up in his classroom. Only ten students, including myself were there. We would be writing a 20 page research paper. When the session ended, it began storming. Rain was coming down heavily and thunder boomed every now and again.  Jack was seated at his desk typing away at his computer while I finished skimming over some notes I'd written during class.

"You know you never told me about the mafia thing your mom was talking about." I said while gathering my books.

"It's just a part of my past really, I'm trying to move past that." He replied.

"Maybe, we can talk about it over dinner." I suggested while giving him a pleasing smile.

"What are we doing Maliyah?" He sighed while placing his glasses on to his desk.

"Having fun." I shrugged.

"I'm not a child, I don't have time for games."

I checked to see if the door was closed before unzipping my jacket and pulling the white long sleeve over my head to reveal my black lace bra.

"What are you doing?" He growled in a low voice.

"You said you don't have time for games,so let me give you some time and show you why they're fun."

I walked over to the light switch and turned the lights off leaving us in a dimly lit room.

I straddled him in which he didn't object or try to move me away. I pressed my lips to his while grinding my hips back and forth until I felt his bulge through his khaki pants.

As his tongue danced with mine his hands roamed up and down my back until he lifted us from the chair and pushed the papers from his desk to the floor. He laid me on top of the cold desk and began unbuckling my pants. Shortly after, he slid my panties down until they reached my the pile of clothes on the floor. I hopped off the desk and unbuckled his khakis and pulled them along with his boxers until they were around his ankles.

His dick was erect and looked needy for my attention. I wrapped my hand around it before getting down on my knees to wrap my lips around it. I began stroking him back and forth as his length touched the surface of my lips to the back of my throat. I enjoyed the constant low growls from Jack. When I picked up the pace he gripped the back of my head fisting my hair in his hand in the process.

"Shit, Maliyah." He moaned. "Fuck!" ,he growled.

Before I could finish sucking his dick, he picked me up forcing me to wrap my legs around him. He pushed my back up against the wall for support as he inserted himself into my already wet pussy. I wanted to scream in ecstasy at how fast pace and long his strokes were.

"Shh, baby you have to be quiet." He whispered into my ear.

That turned me on anymore making it harder to keep my moans and curse words at a whisper.

"Uhhh!!!!!!" I yelled out as he pounded into me harder.

"You have to be quiet, can you be quieter for Daddy?" He whispered once more.

What was he doing to me?

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