Niall Makes Me Fall

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“This one.” I smiled. Erika smiled and led me to the check out line. I paid for my dress which as only fifteen dollars! I looked at my phone again, it was 3:45. Shit.


“Did the boys go back to their house?” Erika asked her mom. Kris pulled up in the drive way.

Kris nodded, “Yep, but you have about an hour and a half to get ready, Katherine.”

I got out of the car and made my way up to the front porch. I waited for Erika and Kris to open the door since I still don’t have a key…

Erika opened the door for me. I crutched my way to my room as fast as I could. I locked the bathroom door behind me. I turned on the water and stripped out of my clothes. I put a plastic bag over my cast that way it wouldn’t get wet. I washed my hair and shaved all under twenty minutes. When I got out, I wrapped a towel around me to dry myself off. I decided to blow dry the top of my hair and bangs so they wouldn’t get all crazy later. I slipped into my dress and let my wet ringlets fall around my shoulders. I walked out of the bathroom to the hallway.

“ERIKA CAN YOU DO MY MAKE-UP!?” I screamed. I hope she heard me. I am not about to go searching the house for her.

Erika ran up the stairs, “LETS DO THIS!”

Erika sat me in my chair, grabbed my make-up bag. “Natural right?”

“Yep.” I nodded. She pulled out everything she needed from the bag.

“Okay. Now shut up and close your eyes!” Erika laughed. I did as told and let her work her make-up magic.

Ten minutes later, Erika spun me around in my chair so I could see myself in the mirror. She applied a light brown shimmer eye shadow with some eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes. My eyelashes looked ten times longer and fuller.  In other words, I looked pretty amazing. I smiled and stood up to give Erika a hug.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” I cried as I squeezed her to death.

“KATHERINE, NIALL IS HERE!!!” Kris yelled from downstairs.

Erika let go, handed me my crutches, and made me go down the stairs. When I made it to the bottom I could look up. Niall was standing in the entry way talking and laughing with Josh about something. Niall was wearing a red polo and jeans. He didn’t look too bad.. When he looked my way, his entire face lit up.

“Photo Op.!” Kris yelled. She pulled out her phone, ready to take a picture of Niall and I.

I got closer to Niall. I stood there awkwardly with my damn crutches while Niall had his arm around my shoulder. Kris snapped a couple pictures before finally letting us go.

“I’ll send them to you!” Kris called as we walked out the door.

Niall opened the car door for me and held my crutches as I got inside. Niall was about to close the door when Erika came running out.

Erika narrowed her eyes at Niall, “Have her home by 10 and nobody will get hurt.” Then she smiled, “Have fun!” She skipped back to the house.

I laughed and shook my head. Niall tossed my crutches in the back seat. He ran around the car and hopped in the driver’s seat.

“Here put this on.” Niall handed me a black cloth.

I took it, “A blindfold? Does it really have to be that secret??”

Niall smiled, “Come on, please?”

I gave in. “Fine.” I fake glared. Niall laughed as I tied the cloth around my eyes. When I was done, Niall grabbed my hand and started to drive to our destination.

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