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(Human!demon! )(just pretend Jack is Christian )

Y/n pov

I sat in a lab,where Silas watched me.He would stare at me,when he notice me giggling softly. I stood and whistled an eery song,digging my nails into my arm.

I fall to my knees,blood falling on the cell floor. An explosion erupted,I clench me eyes shut hearing ringing,hearing his voice. I open my eyes hearing a deep voice,I see blue lights blaring in my face. My eyes adjusted and I see a blue and red robot before me,a girl voice yelling,

"Optimus!we have bee's t-cog,let's go!" The bot in front I'm me reached with a metal hand,grabbing my body,running.

We appear in the main room filled with countless devices for torture, I giggle silently, am I insane?have I finally broken and now I'm seeing things?we went through a portal, entering a big doom where I could see three children with other robots, I was given to a white and orange bot. I flinched as he brought a device near me, they began to talk but I didn't listen, only looked around with crazed eyes, I could sense one, one of the children were Christian, under the name of God.

I was grabbed and put on a green couch, near the children, I backed away from them, clutching my necklace with a symbol for Lucifer morningstar, I glared at the young boy who had jet black hair,my eyes widen as I see a cross around his neck,

"s-stay away from me follower of G-god"I growled at the boy as I could feel my black veins, my throat scratchy from not talking in so long, I could feel the stares of the robots, a alarm like noise came from a giant computer.

"PRIME I-Who is this?!"I stare at them, glaring as I could sense him as another follower of God.

I growled and felt my eyes turn fully black but I fell to my knees whimpering from a sudden pain from my head, I then black out

I'm just typing what I think

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