Inferno 2

574 15 0

(arcee x Phoenix predacon)

I barred my sharp dentas at Knockout, the con rolling his optics.

"Must we do this routine again? It's almost like you'd rather starve."He said, holding a cube of energon. I scoffed, staring at him from the floor I sat on.

"You could've tampered with it. It'd be the easiest way to heal these wounds."I pointed out, motioning from the dried energon still around my wounds. Of course I didn't let him touch me, even after he calmed down. Why would I? He shrugged, tossing it beside my cell.

"Fine, just one more thing to report to Lord Megatron."He grumbled, walking back over to grab his precious tool. I huffed, relaxing my body against the wall. While the medic buffed himself I slowly started to heal, small flashes of yellow surrounding my wounds. I growled when the door opened, shockwave coming in.
"Shockwave, what a surprise."Knockout said, though it was obvious he didn't like Shockwave.

"Apologies, I didn't think I needed to inform you of my arrival."Shockwave said, Knockout's fake smile falling.

"That's- what brings you here."Knockout huffed, Shockwave continuing to me. I growled, going to transform only to wince in pain.

"I'm here to transport my specimen back to its holding cell with Predaking."Shockwave answered, my optics wide as I rushed onto my peds in panic.

"You're not taking me anywhere! I won't let you!"I shouted, my anger causing my metal wings to set ablaze even in my bipedal state. Shockwave just stared at me, visually dissecting me with his glowing red optic.

"Fascinating. I wasn't aware Avians with abilities were capable of using their elemental qualities outside their Beast form."Shockwave said, making me growl.

"Don't analyze me like one of your creations."I scoffed, my posture rising. Shockwave comes forward, pausing just before me only to look back at the door.

"Soundwave, proceed as discussed." Shockwave ignored me, Soundwave coming into the room. I transformed, too panicked to worry about whatever wounds were now reopened. They winced at my screeching, wings flapping in panic. I felt my spark stop when the ground under me gave away, dropping me into a closed area. My head whipped around, freezing when I heard a growl.

"..... Fuck."

I glared at the ground, chains now adorning my wrists and neck cables. All I could do was glare at the ground, knowing what'd happen if I glared at Predaking. My gaze snapped over to the door, Lord Megatron and Commander screamer walking in with a certain staff.

"Ah, looks like you've calmed down now."Starscream stated, my gaze narrowing as I stood tall.

"Not all silence is calm. Some are just as angry and loud as true noisy rage."I scoff, glancing at Predaking. The damn mech was watching me. Lord Megatron lifted something, revealing the staff. It looks as magnificent as the tales said it would, my optics pupils shrinking the more I stared at it.

"I believe you know what I'm about to ask."Megatron said, my gaze breaking to look back at him. I chuckled, shaking my head.

"My lord, you do not ask. You order."I sneered, hearing Predaking lowly growling at me. Immediately I growled, stepping away from him. Frag him. Megatron only raised a brow ridge at my words, either amused or annoyed.

"Amused me then. You can't deny how this sword...."Lord Megatron began, getting closer to me. I went to ignite my flames only for him to raise the staff towards me, my pupils shrinking once more as I stared at it. I couldn't help but raise my servo towards it.
"Draws you in, almost like you need it."He finished, a grin slowly adorning his faceplate. I couldn't help but grab it, my vision growing blurry.

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