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(arcee x Phoenix predacon mech)
(struggling to pair the two but don't worry, it's gonna happen) (Ha, it didn't. I'll make a part two for this)

"Shut up!"The gray mech known as Starscream yelled at me, hitting me with a rod. I screeched at him as I flew higher, keeping away from him. Predaking watched from a cage, saying nothing. Finally someone else came in, drawing the treacherous mech away from me. I landed, shrinking into the corner as I kept my optics on Starscream and who Shockwave told us was Lord Megatron. I want to escape. I need to escape. I can't handle an alpha and an abusive keeper. As soon as the door opened I rushed forward, opening my wings which ignited the flames around my body. Starscream yelped at the scorching heat, jumping away as Megatron perfectly dodged me. I forced my way through the halls, trying to find a way out only to hear a roar. Predaking. I hurried forward, luckily finding the ramp to the top of the ship. Immediately I unfurled my wings, fire like metal flapping as I soared away. I heard a roar which filled me with panic. I soared downward to what looked like a field, trying to run only to get tackled. I screamed as I felt claws dig into my armor, igniting my fire more in hopes he'd get off me. He slammed me back down on the ground, quickly getting away from me. We just stared at each other as my surroundings slowly burned, huffing as I trained my eyes on him. He went to attack me only for me to swing my wings forward, flames hitting him right smack in the snout. Before he could launch at me again shots were fired at him, causing him to growl as he looked behind me. I attempted to take flight again but was dragged down, the alpha ignoring the flames. I screeched more, predaking letting go only because of the shots aimed at him. He huffed at me before flying away, causing me to swing around and prepare to attack. 

"We're not gonna hurt you, predacon." A blue and red mech said, making me glare at him as I backed up. I opened my wings, stopping when a feme aimed her blasters at me. 

"Stop, you're gonna burn the whole forest!"She yelled, making me stare at her before closing my wings, shaking my metal feathers which ceased the fire altogether. The team in front of me sighed, slowly getting close. 
"What are we supposed to do with it?"The feme asked, making me huff. I pause before slowly transforming, the bits gasping before questioning just how exactly I escaped. I ignored them as I looked around, seeing the damage my fire caused. I frowned as I touched the ground with my servo, watching the earth plant crumble. 

"Do you understand what you did?"I heard, making me look up to see the autobot leader. I stared before nodding, the prime seeming surprised. 
"You can understand me?"He asked,making me scoff. 

"We Predacons aren't stupid. We're pretty intelligent."I said, standing. I was taller than the prime, having to bend down to look at him. 

"We didn't think that. We were just not knowledgeable that you could talk and transform."He said, making me huff as I stood straighter. I looked up before looking down at the prime. 

"What will you do with me? Keep me in a cage? Beat me? I refuse to be dominated by abusive holders."I growled at the Prime as his team watched, their blasters ready. 

"We only wish to help you. We are not the decepticons."he said, making my glare soften. 

"No. You are indeed not. Lord Megatron would've ordered for me to be shot or hit by now."I said, looking away. I walk towards the tall earth plants, the brown organic texture now burned to a crisp. 

"If I may know, what is your name?"He asked, making me turn. 

"I don't have one...." It was a little quiet after that answer, but not for long. 

"What now, Optimus?"The fem asked, making me glance at her. Her armor was blue, a small accent of pink on her helm. 

"For now, I think it's best we take him with us."The Prime said, making me stare at him. 

tfp oneshots (requests closed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora