Bite me part 2

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I stared at the robotic wolf in front of me, glaring at it.

"let me get this straight. You want to turn me into a cyber wolf....."I asked, looking at the mech I've sadly come accustomed to.

"Correct."Shockwave answered, making me growl.

"You really think I'd agree to change my body to that hunk of junk?!"I yelled, ignoring the mechs coming into the room.

"By orders of Lord-"

"I don't give a rats ass what Lord Megatron said! Your telling- No, your gonna force me to discard my flesh. What if I told you you were gonna be put into a human, your old body being left in a junkyard to waste away."I growled, standing tall as my body morphed into one of a canine. I stand at my first height, glaring at him.

"I'm sorry you feel this way."I heard, making me whip my head around. I growled louder when I see megatron, morphing back into my wolf form.

"Fuck you! You don't care how I feel. I'm just a tool for you lot."I cursed, backing against the wall as I pushed my body between the objects on the desk.
"You never cared."I repeated, sitting and curled into myself. If they tried anything then I'll have no choice but to leap off the table where I'll most likely not survive, and I'll make sure I won't.


It's been weeks since every con here started to try and get me to agree, well beside starscream who doesn't care.

"It's idiotic that Lord Megatron won't make Shockwave force you."He said, making me growl.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you."I said, not looking at the mech. I didn't like him but at least he was straight forward with his answers, at least when Megatron isn't around. He sighed, leaning against the table I was on.

"Look, mutt. I may not like you but I think you should think about it. Don't think of it as them taking and discarding your old body. Think of it as becoming like us, where you'll have a longer life span. Do you know how hard it was for shockwave to build a cyber wolf? More so to make it look more like your form."He said, making me look at him. He looked calm, his optics not showing hatred or annoyance for once. I sighed and looked at my clawed hand, whimpering.

"It's scary for me. I've lived for more than a hundred years and to think I'll no longer look like this....."I clench my hand, standing.
"Fucking fine. Let's get it over with."I said, his optics widening.

"Wait, really?" he asked, making me growl.

"What, are your receptors broken or some shit? I said fine. Now take me to shockwave."I said, my anger quickly displaying to shame. He nodded and carried me on his servo, not saying anything. I looked up at him.
"..... I'm surprised your not insulting me or reporting to Lord Megatron about my decision."I quietly said, him glancing down at me.

"I may not like you, but for a fleshling your much kinder than most here."He said, making me try in hold in my laughter.

"Me, kind? Your going insane, Starscream."I said, shaking my head as I smiled. He smiled at that, staying silent as we made it to shockwave.


I open my eyes- er- optics, looking around before looking at my body. Instead of my normal flesh or fur was metal, my servos sharp. I stand, wobbling as I got use to this body. Starscream huffed and helped me, making me smile as I nodded.

"Transform."Shockwave said, making me nod. I immediately felt my body shift, hearing metal shift into place. I looked down to see paws, looking back to see a metal tail. I couldn't stop myself from howling, my tail wagging as I jumped. Run. I need to run with this form.

"I'll notify Lord Megatron about taking her out. She already has permission to be out by him."Starscream said, making Shockwave stare at him before nodding. I transform, touching my ears. Unlike my fleshy body, this still had ears on my head in both forms. It's a shame I can only shift into two forms now but I'm sure I can get shockwave to change that. I follow Starscream, grinning as I see knockout down the hall. I transform and run at him, him yelping at I wagged my tail. His surprised expression switched to a smile, his optics moving down my body.

"You finally said yes. Looking good in that body. Your lucky I helped with designing it. Shockwave just wanted to change you into a predacon."he said as I trotted around him, looking up at him. I turned and ran down the hall, the two mechs running after me. I ran down certain halls, Vehicons pressing themselves to the wall so I didn't trample them. I finally see the ground bridge, Soundwave waiting there. I slowed down, stopping in front of him. He stared at me, glancing over at the two heaving mechs as they came in. He looked at me again, a smiling emicon appearing on his visor. Knockout shook his head as Soundwave open groundbridge, immediately running through. I pass through a field, trees surrounding the giant field I stood on. I ran, feeling the wind pass me. I continued to run past the tall trees, happiness flowing through my whole body. I transform, laughing as I sprinted forward. I make it to a open field, standing as I smiled. That smiled died when I looked at my servos, staring at the metal hands. My arms went limp as I stood there, taking in the sent of the forest. Luckily enough I still have my lycan senses, though I'm conflicted it those are just this body's senses. I laid down, starring at the sky. I hear a jet and watch Starscream transform next to me, the mechanism frowning down at me.

"Why so calm? You bolted out with so much energy that you wouldn't ran half the size of this... Earth by now."He said, making look at him directly. I stood, staring down at him. He seemed to have realized just how tall I am now, though I couldn't blame him. I had realized that too. I take his second, inspecting it.
"Un-hand me! I may tolerate you but that doesn't mean-"He went off, stopping when I brought a servo to his faceplate. He had really pretty optics, his face shape matching him well. He sputtered before backing up, making blink a few times before cackling.

"Sorry Screamer, didn't mean to get touch with ya."I apologized, him huffing at me. I drowned again, sighing.
"I think I just needed a moment to realized I'm.... I'm not a lycan anymore. I'm not a werewolf and I'll never be one ever again."I said, looking away.

"Not necessarily."I heard, making my optics widen as I watch Megatron transform. I stared at him, realizing I was an inch- er slightly taller than him. He looks me up and down, meeting my optics once more.
"Seems shockwave and Knockout designed your new body very well."He said, making me shake my head.

"Stop it you flatterer, what do you mean by not necessarily?"I snarl, walking up to him. He smiled, not swayed by my anger.

"Well, dear (y/n, after seeing your reaction I had Shockwave make a certain machine that'll sustain your hu- lycan body."He answered, making my stance falter.

"That means...."

"Yes, that you'll be able to return to your organic body anytime you desire."He said, making me grin. I grab him, hugging him as I spun us around. He immediately grabbed me, startled by my action as I set him down.

"Thank you, my Lord Megatron. You have no idea how much joy that brings me."I said, my tail wagging. I transformed, howling before looking up at Megatron, nodding to him before running off. Megatron chuckled, turning.

"Keep an eye on her. She'll need to get use to that body."He said, leaving. Starscream was shocked that he allowed me to do that but ignored that, transforming to catch up with me.

(I'll most likely make a part 3 of this, especially since I know y'all would want one)

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