!!Pride month!!

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(got a request to have the reader explain the ABC mafia.)

Also, I haven't updated too much cause I'm just been so tired. It doesn't help that now that it's summer it's so hard for me to sleep at a normal time.)

I grinned as I woke up, grabbing my (lgbt) flag and rushed out. I ran to the cherry red car and got in, still grinning.

"Knockout! It's Pride month!"I yelled, bouncing in my seat. He started to drive.

"Pride month? What are you taking pride in?"He asked, asking me frown.

"Do you know about lgbt?"I asked, checking to see if he knew.

"Lgb what?"he asked, making me stare at his steering wheel.

"Knockout. I'm teaching you about the ABC mafia as soon as we get to the nemesis."I said, hearing his sputter.

"It's a mafia?!?"


I looked over as Starscream came into the medbay, stopping at seeing Breakdown and Knockout holding giant flags.

"What is.... This."He waved over all of us, making me grin.

"Oh, just explaining about the Lgbt."He said, my cheeks having my pride flag on them.

"For example, pansexual means your attraction doesn't depend on gender."a knock out said, tapping the flag in his hand.

"The lesbian flag is pretty."Breakdown commented, holding it. I actually explained to him about it and he said he liked the flags colors so I didn't wanna discourage him, though I explained from what he told me that he's probably demisexual.

"Well whatever this lgbt is, I suggest getting back to work."He said, making me pout.

"Oh come on, join us."I said, seeing him hesitate.

"and why would I?"He asked, making me smile up at him.

"I could explain the lgbt to you. It's a very kind community that looks out for eachother, especially against those who try to hurt those who try and invalidate us."I explain, him nodding slowly.

"Find, but I'll only listen to your explanations."He said, standing closer. I grinned at that, explaining the different types and the certain things people say or do to lgbt people. He actually got angry with me on how people treated the community, taking a keen interest on asexuality and Drag Queens.


We quietly groundbridge in an alleyway, breakdown and knockout covered in flags. They found out about a pride drive through in NY, kinda like the stranger things one. I was alreally happy they wanted to do this, especially since I only just told them about the LGBT community. The parade was in a parking building, each floor havingp something to do with lgbt from drag Queens and Kings to light shows with flags. It was great hearing their aws at seeing it all, hearing breakdown through a call I opened up on my phone. Soon after we headed back to the nemesis, soundwave putting a question mark on his screen.

"We went to a lgbt drive through."I said, Soundwave nodding as he took a second before the lgbt flag popped up on his screen. I grin, nodding. I froze when Megatron came into the room, pausing as he looked over the medic and his helper. He stared and turned around, making me bust out in laughter.

I wake up to see megatron in the room, knockout nowhere in site. I smiled up at him.
"hey Lord Megatron, here for knockout?"I asked, him shaking his helm.

"I've heard about you telling quite a few about a lgbt. What is this?"He asked, making me nod.

"Well, it's a group consisting of different sexualities and gender identity."I said, him nodding.

"elaborate."he said, making me smile. At least he wants to know.

"For the gender identity part, let's say you were born a feme but you know deep down your a mech. That's called transgender."I explained, him nodding.

"Cybertronians have that too."He said, making eyes widen.

"Really?"I asked, him giving me a small smile.

"Yes. Due to how our bodies are made, the procedure would consist of changing your chest plate and sometimes voice box, though some just change how other call them."He said, making me nod as we listened to eachother talk. He told me quite a lot of info about cybertronians, especially the fact that they don't care which gender you date. That made me happy. I loved their race, and hearing this made me more happy. I frowned, sighing.

"I wished humans were like that. The older generations tend to um..... Find it wrong. Some are violent about it."I said, looking away.

"(Y/N), have you experience this violence?"He asked, making me give him a sad smile.

"I'm very proud of (both) my identity/(and)sexuality. Some find confidence in that and.... Some go out of their way to make me feel ashamed."I said, frowning again before giving him a determined look.
"But no matter what, it will never change that I am proud to be (your flag)."I said, Megatron smiling.

"Good. When I rebuild cybertron, I shall bring this LGBT with us."he said, making me nod while he turned to leave.
"And you."he glanced at me, my eyes widening.

"what?"I question, him fully turning to me.

"We'll find a way to sustain your human body but I intend to bring you with us."He said, making me smile as I tried not to cry.

"Thank you, Lord Megatron."I smiled widely, him bidding before leaving. I love this family.
YAY I FINISHED IT. if you have any questions regarding lgbt and tfp I can answer them. I feel like some forget how gay transformers really is.

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