Tiny Warrior

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(megatron x Minicon)

(im sorry for not updating. I'm gonna release a few short ones)

I walked down the hall, grumbling as I wiped away the leaking energon coming from my neck cables. Damn Starscream. I walked into medbay, kinda surprised to see Megatron there.

"Hey there (N/N)- what happened?"Knockout asked, rushing over to me. I smack his servos away from me body, growling before stopping myself.

"Oh you know, sparring got serious."I lied, going over to his supplies.

"(Y/N), let me do it-"Knockout said, following me. I ignored him as I grabbed all the supplies, Freezing when Megatron bent down to touch my helm.

"Don't be stubborn (N/N)."He ordered, my faceplate turning a slight shade of blue.

"Yes, my Lord."I responded, looking away. Knockout gave me a smirk before picking me up, making me growl as he placed me on one of the medical berths. I huffed and let him patch the wound. I kept myself from growling at his touch, knowing he'll either tease me or worse.

"There. Your quite lucky your sparring buddy didn't slice deeper."Knockout said, making me scoff.

"I'm sure he wanted to."I said, hopping off the berth. I left, stopping when I heard steps behind me. I looked but, seeing Megatron. He smiled at me, making me huff as I walked closer to him and leaned my forehelm against him.

"Who were you sparring with, (N/N)?"He quietly asked, making me grumbled.

"I was ordered to not tell you but it should be obvious."I answered, him humming.
"It should help that the sparring room has surveillance in it."I added, him nodding.

"I'll have Soundwave check then."He said, making me lift my helm off him. I followed him to his berth room where I yawned, him smiling at me as I hopped on his berth. I laid myself flat, sitting up.

"Why do you have to be so big?!"I huffed, him chuckling as he locked the door.

"Well, a cybertronian my size tends to be big in that region."He answered, a few seconds going by before my faceplate blossomed into hues of Blue.

"You idiot! That's not what I meant!"I screamed, him laughing which made me grumble as I huffed. He laid on the berth with me, hugging me close.

"I know, I just couldn't help myself."He said, kissing my helm as he closed his optics. I smiled, closing mine. You idiotic sweetheart.


*forces myself to add more even though I don't know what else to put*


"I am not afraid to throw servos with you, Commander."I growled, glaring at Starscream.

"How dare you threaten me!"He screeched, glaring down at me while Megatron watched in amusement.

"Oh I'm not threatening you, I'm promising you that's going to happen if you keep undermining me for my height."I lowly said, turning to Megatron.
"Lord Megatron, if I'm not needed here then I will take my leave."I said, him nodding.

"Your dismissed."He said, making me turn.

"My Lord, that insolent minicon said they'd hurt me! Are you not going to discipline them!"Starscream questioned, Megatron glaring at him as I left.

"That Minicon is more competent than you, my second in command."He said, turning to soundwave. I made my way to Medbay, fuming silently. Knockout just raised an Eyebrow at me while buffing himself, watching me try and crawl on the med berth in front of him.

"I'm going to fragging scrap Starscream at some point. I don't care if I get in trouble for it, it's gonna happen."I said, Knockout humming.

"I'm sure your capable of doing so, but you know why you can't."he said, making me huff.

"At this point, it doesn't matter."I said, laying back.
"I warned him, so he should know what's going to happen if he messes with me."I said, sitting up. I jump down, leaving the room. I walk down the hall and hesitate on going back in the room, deciding to head to bed instead. I start to head to Megatron's berthroom, jumping when I hear a scream followed by a crash. I chuckled. Screamer must've said something he shouldn't have.

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