Ratchet x Cybertronian part 3

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I sighed as Knockout put on the last restrain, looking over at the three mechs. I smiled.
"I'll see you three again, okay? Convince me to stay.... Please."I said, getting a few small smiles before I closed my optics. Here goes-
My optics onlined, groaning.

"Yo docbot, what did I-" I turned my helm, seeing knockout. Immediately my optics widened, searching the room for anyone I knew.

"Ah, your awa-"

"What did you do! Why am I here!"I yelled, glaring at him. He stared at me, his smile turning into a thin line.

"You've been with us for a couple of earth months, willingly may I add."He said, coming over to me. I scoffed.

"Like I would ever do-"Suddenly memories came to mind, making me purse my dermas together.
"I....."I started, closing my mouth. I remember now. I remember everything now.

"Am I clear to unrestrain you or-"

"No!..... No I... I won't hurt you knocky."I said, frowning at him.

".... I'm too.... Conflicted to consciously hurt you right now."I said, seeing him nod quietly. He came over to me, undoing the restraints. I sat up, moving my legs off the berth only to sit there with my helm hung low.

"(Y/N)?"Knockout asked, making me look up at him.

"..... Why'd you have to brainwash me? If you hadn't.... I don't know... I don't know how to feel about this."I said, hugging myself softly. He sighed, sitting next to me and patted my back

"I know. I'm sure whichever choice you choose we'll respect."He said, making me look at me.

"And what choice would that be."I asked, him looking me in the optics.

"Whether you want to be a Decepticon or Autobot."
I stood in front of Megatron, the mech looking at me with confusion and slight anger.

"You wish to stay neutral?"He asked, making me nod.

"Yes. I can't imagine hurting the ones I called family, even if I thought so after being brainwashed."I said, drowning at him. He stayed quiet, staring at me. I stared back, not moving an inch. He sighed.

"Very well. We'll inform Optimus Prime of your new status."He said, making me smile slightly.

"My Lord, how do we we even know their telling the truth. They could be lying so they can go back alive."Starscream said, making me look at them with a frown.

"That's fair. If you'd like, knockout can destroy my coms so I can't contact anyone."I suggested, looking back at Megatron. He stared at me with slight shock, nodding.

"Yes, but in return we'll leave you with a communication device if you ever need help."He said, causing Starscream to gasp.

"My liege, you can't be serio-"

"Enough!"Megatron yelled, glaring at the seeker who cowered in fear.

"Understandable, lord."He said, being his head. I nod, looking back at megatron.

"Knockout, proceed with the termination of (Y/N)'s com systems."Megatron ordered, causing the cherry mech to bow his head. I walked with knockout back to Medbay, sitting down on the berth. I turned off my pain receptors, watching as Knockout took my com systems out.

"I suggest you turn your pain receptors on for now until you leave, unless the pain lessens."He said, making me nod. I do so, yelping out at the stinging. This is fine. It's worth it. Knockout immediately grabs something, mixing it into a cube of energon.

"Here, drink this."He said, making me nod. As I drank it I heard knockout coms go off.

"Yes I have.... Yes my Lord, we'll be right there."I looked at him, tilting my helm.

"It appears the Autobots want to speak to you."He said, making me nod. We leave, quickly heading to the throne room where I saw Megatron standing before a big screen.

"Ah, there you are. I assume it went through easily?"He asked me, making me nod as I walked to him.

"You are correct, though I hurt quite a bit for a few earth minutes."I said, sighing as I turned to see...

"... Sweetspark?"I heard, making my yes almost flicker.

"Hello Sunshine."I said, sing sadly at him. I could see the flash of hope on his faceplate, lubricant springing from his optics.

"Megatron can't be telling the truth, right? They have to be manipulating you into doing this. Sweetspark, please. Come back-"

"Ratchet."I interrupted, frowning.
"I chose this. I still see them as my friends. I see you both as family. I won't hurt family."I said, furrowing my brows.
"But that doesn't mean we won't ever see eachother. They've given me a communicator, mostly cause of the com thing."I said, smiling sadly at them. Optimus nods.

"(Y/N), we respect your choice in becoming neutral. If needed, we will aid you in your time of need. All you need to do is call apon us."Optimus said, making me nod.

"Thanks, OP."I said, smiling as the call ended. Soon enough I was transported to an abandoned junkyard, thanking the cons as they left me. I frowned at my new home, immediately getting started on fixing it up.
I hear my communicator go off, making me answer it as I tinkered with something.
"(Y/N), what is your business."I said, smiling when I finished.

"Just checking in."I heard knockout say, making me hum.

"So far I've been able to make a small signal like defuse device that'll hide my signal along with an underground storage for energon. Oh, and thanks for bringing the small section of the harbringer. It's been quite helpful along with giving me a place to rest."I said, smiling at the video feed. He smiled back.

"Your quite welcome. Starscream complained the whole process of bringing that piece."He said, making me chuckle.

"Of course he did."I said, hearing a door open. I smiled.

"Seems my medic is here. I'll chat with you later, okay knocks?"I asked, hearing him chuckle.

"Okay (N/N)."He said, cutting the call. I stood, leaving my small berthroom to see my favorite bot. He looked at me, smiling. I hug him, grinning.

"What's up, doc?" I greeted, my arms wrapping around his neck. He chuckled, leaning his forhelm against mine.

"The ceiling."He said, making me snicker. I kissed his cheek, nuzzling my helm in his neck cables.

"I love you Ratchet."

"I love you too, Sweetspark."

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