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I walked into the toddler's room and lifted her out of her bed. She was growing so quickly already, not a day went by where I wasn't surprised by her growth. She beamed up at me and kissed my cheek.

"Well, hello, Mavis." I cooed. "How was your nap?"

She merely giggled in response and leaned into my chest, placing her ear on my shoulder. I pressed my lips to the top of her head, taking in the smell of her curled hair. She was truly, a very beautiful little girl. She quickly fell asleep once again, hands curled in fists just beneath my shoulder. Precious little wonder. I peeked through the curtains of her room. Severus should be arriving home soon.

Surely enough, I saw him at the door, pushing it open. I heard the familiar sound of his footsteps climb the stairs, before stepping into the room. He placed his lips on mine, kissing me slowly and sweetly. He took my breath away every time, and he knew it. He grinned wickedly when he leaned back, and stroked his daughter's hair. "How are my girls?" He asked quietly, trying not to wake the babe in my arms.

I leaned into him and sighed. "Apparently, we are very, very tired." He chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss me again. "Any news of Waverly?"

He shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Nothing new. She should be arriving shortly."

I looked up at him, concern clouding my eyes. "Severus, don't you think we ought to pick her up? She's all by herself."

He shook his head. "Darling, she wants to do this herself. We cannot take that opportunity of independence away from her."

"She's 15!" I argued.

He smiled and looked down at Mavis. "Exactly. She has got two years left until we must let her go. She needs this. You seem to forget, Hermione, that at the same age, you were quite the witch. She took care of Mavis when Eloise was ill. She can take care of herself for a few hours."

He took one of my hands, and pressed a kiss to my fingers. The gentleman in him was so charming. He fiddled with my ring, a moment, before holding my hand tightly, pressing it to his chest. My fingers were spread, I could feel his heartbeat growing quicker by the second.

A devilish smile appeared on his face and he leaned to whisper in my ear. "Mrs. Snape, I must say, I seem to have the strangest markings across my back."

I blushed furiously, turning my face to look him in the eye. His eyes were growing darker, clouding with lust. "Is that so, Professor? Perhaps, I should take a look?"

Something that quite resembled a growl resonated through his chest. I bit my lip, keeping steady eye contact. Merlin, he seemed to be undressing me with his eyes. He took the baby from my arms, and placed her back in her bed. Then, his hands wrapped around my hips and pulled me to him, hard. Our bodies now flush, he captured my lips with his, and sucked gently. One hand supporting my neck, the other inching lower down my back. He ran a finger along my thigh, inching it up my skirt.

We were interrupted by the opening and closing of the front door. My husband leaned away. "I told you." He whispered, before pulling me to him once again and claiming my mouth as his own.

"Papa?" A voice called from the main entrance. "Hermione? Anyone home?"

Mavis stirred and sat up. "Wavy!" She cried out happily, calling out to her older sister.

The young witch ran up the stairs and slid into the room. She picked up her sister and kissed her nose. "My name is Waverly, not Wavy. Wa-ver-ly. W-A-V-E-R-L-Y."

"Wavy?" I couldn't help the bubble of laughter that escaped my lips at Mavis' question.

Severus kissed his eldest's forehead. "How did it go?"

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