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I never thought that I'd be witness to a trial of a woman I had met a few months ago.

But it was clear that I needed to be there, even though I never again wanted to see her.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The year had aged me. So much had happened, yet at the same time, so little.

I was hardly recognisable. Ron was right, I had changed.

I saw a woman in plum robes looking back at me; her hair no longer bushy, but now curly and shiny, her teeth straight and pearly, face thinner and defined.

Satisfied with my appearance, I left my rooms and went across the hall.

Stepping into the open classroom door, I walked toward the office and knocked.

It took a moment for him to answer, but as always, the dark and mysterious man I had been working under opened the door.

He was magnificent. He wore the same robes as always, he was still leaning heavily on his cane due to recent events, tired eyes that were still sharp. Etched lines forever marked in his face.

He was glorious.

His pride and goodness oozed from his every pore. He was selfless and brave and good.

I smiled at him and he invited me in.

"Miss Granger, you are early." He commented, leading past his office and into another room that lead to his chambers.

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

Once in his quarters, he sat on the armchair before the fireplace. I took his cane and leaned it against the wall.

Grabbing a chair from his small dining area, I sat across from him and took his hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through with this, Professor. You shouldn't have to. It isn't fair to you." I said.

He looked up at me and shook his head. "Nonsense. The moment she attempted to harm you, she brought me into this as well."

I sighed. "And now you're hurt, again."

He brushed it off and sat up straighter in his seat, slipping his hand from mine.

"Miss Granger," he started carefully. "This isn't just about you anymore. This is about both of us."

His words made my heart take flight. We hadn't spoken much of the events of that night, but it was clearly something he didn't want to discuss and I didn't either.

I sat in silence a few minutes more until he checked the time and stood. He offered me his hand, which I gratefully took, but before I could stand, he pressed the back of my hand to his lips delicately.

Surprised was an understatement, yet it felt natural.

I stood and he offered me his arm. I looped mine with his and gave him his cane which he accepted.

By the time we reached the Headmistress' office, I could tell that the tall man beside me was having trouble. I tried to address the issue, but he merely waved it off. Such an ego.

We met up with McGonagall and used the Floo to get to the ministry, seeing as apparition was too risky in his current state.

As we stepped out of the fireplace, a ministry worker escorted us to the courtroom. Outside the doors, I stopped and turned to Snape. He stood close to me, he still didn't trust the ministry because of how easily it was corrupted in the past. I didn't blame him.

I straightened his coat and cloak that had managed to get crooked during the Floo.

He watched me as I looked up to him. I was so scared. I didn't want to face her again, but I also didn't want to be the cause of her imprisonment.

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