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It was the day of my ministry evaluations. After months of having them postponed, and of course, the entire issue regarding Ella Mitchell, I was finally going to have to complete them.

Was I nervous?

Yes, quite.

Severus stood by me, squeezing my hand. We were waiting before the doors, for the officials to summon me. I was shaking.

"I can't do this. I'm not ready."

He rolled his eyes. He took my hand in both of his. "Yes, you are. There is nothing stopping you. There is nothing standing in your way, Hermione."

I gulped thickly, and he leaned down to press his lips to mine, swallowing my fear. "I don't think I'll ever be ready."

The man I adored offered me a quiet smile. "Darling, you are your own worst enemy. You will never think you are completely ready, even though everyone else knows that you are." He kissed my cheek. "I know you are."

I couldn't help but feel giddy at his statement. "Well, I did have a rather excellent teacher."

He scoffed as I peeked over my shoulder, winking before I entered the examination room.

The trials were a blur. It was event after event after activity after test. I hadn't realised I had completed them until the head of department, a stout old man, lay a hand on my shoulder, announcing I had passed with flying colours.

My heart fluttering, I received my diplomas and paperwork from the officials and left the room with only one thought in mind.

I was a teacher.


I wasn't doomed to an eternity of apprenticeship.

"How did it go?" A dark voice asked, catching up to me as I left the examination room.

I turned to my lover, a huge smile on my face. "I passed with nearly perfect grades! Your recommendation made all the difference, I'm officially a teacher!"

I jumped into his arms. He was still a moment, before wrapping his arms around me. I giggled when he spun me.

He set me down, and I reached up on tiptoe, placing my lips on his. He held me close, holding the back of my head, deepening the kiss. He caressed my tongue with his, pulling me closer to him. He leaned away a moment, the both of us completely breathless. I took a deep breath and laughed lightly. It was the most he'd ever done in public, and it hadn't gone unnoticed. A few walkers by clapped and whistled.

His cheeks reddened slightly, and I reached back up to kiss him. "Let's go home." I whispered, pecking him softly.

He nodded curtly, and scooped me into his arms, despite his injury, unafraid of the stares and comments. "Home it is, love."

And so, we apparated back to the gate outside the school. He set me down and grabbed my hand, as we made our way up the hill. Once in the school, the staff and students, alike, awaited me. They congratulated me on my success, welcoming me back with open arms.

While I was grateful for all the love being shown to me, the only thing I really wanted, was to be alone with the man I loved. The man I could finally call my equal, in every sense. We'd gone through so much and triumphed over such hardship in the past few months. I just wanted to sit in my living room and curl up with a good book. It was all I really wanted, in the end. Just to spend a blissful moment in his company.

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