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I tore my wrist from the newcomer's grasp. "Honestly, Ronald, haven't I made myself perfectly clear that I don't want to be anywhere near you anymore?"

The red-headed boy I had so dearly loved glared daggers at my instructor. "Why him?"

I sighed, stepping away from him. He could be such a brute at times. "Unlike some people, he invited me to join them for Christmas."

Waverly stood and stalked over to where we were talking. She stared at him murderously. "Go away, Weasley."

My former best friend sneered. "Who's the pipsqueak?"

A warm hand on my shoulder made me realise how tense I was. "I ask that you refrain from insulting my daughter, Mr Weasley." The man drawled, ice coating his voice. Ron had better leave before he got upset.

He gaped, blue eyes wide. "Daughter? What are you playing at 'Mione? Did you know?"

I wrapped my arm around the young witch's shoulders, pulling her away from him. "Come along, pay him no attention. He isn't worth your time."

Ron grabbed my arm again, rougher this time. I yelped in surprised. Never had he been so abrupt. Before I could speak, Snape had stepped between us, separating his fingers from my sleeve. "It seems I must constantly remind you to keep your hands off of my apprentice." The man snarled, imposing all his dark glory upon my once-friend. "You truly are as incompetent as ever."

"Look here, Snape! You think you can take my girl and place her under a deep dark spell. Well, you can't! She was mine first!" He spat, his voice rising.

People began to stare, I shifted Waverly behind me, keeping her from the brunt of it.

The Potions' Master glared at his former student, angry eyes that could make the strongest of men quiver. Ron was no man, he quivered to my satisfaction. "Accuse me again why don't you?" He dared, speaking quietly. "The war is not yet over, Mr Weasley. Just because I fought on Dumbledore's side doesn't mean I'm not the same dangerous man I always have been. If you come near my family again without their consent, I will end your miserable existence."

My heart fluttered at his words, but he had most likely spoken awkwardly, having meant his daughters.

My fellow Gryffindor sputtered. "Family!?" He exclaimed. Leave it to Ronald and his selective hearing to make a fool of himself.

I couldn't stand in silence anymore. I eyes him, frustration coursing through my veins. "Go, Ron. You aren't wanted here."

He sighed, sadness oozing from the sound. "He isn't your family, 'Mione. We're your family."

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. "Not anymore." I said, my voice cracking. "You stopped being my family the moment you tried to keep me from Hogwarts. I loved you enough to consider it. You never did anything similar."

He reached for my hand, before thinking better of it, glancing up at the man in black. "I was trying to take care of you. You were ready to go back yet. Look where you are now. You're all tangled up in this mess. You don't need him, 'Mione. You're just confused, come home."

My hand flew and collided with his face before I was even aware of it. The sound resonated through the room, the customers silencing. Angry tears escaped my eyes. "My name is Hermione. He's cared more than you ever have. I never want to see you again. You disgust me."

RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora