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I wandered the halls, awaiting 7:30 to roll around. I'd woken up early, my thoughts plagued by the mysterious man I worked with and his so-called 'former wife'. Based off of what I'd seen, he still evidently felt very strongly for her.

Something she said came back to me. 'You ran off the night of the ball, I don't intend on letting you escape so easily this time."

If he truly hadn't seen her in years, why would he leave her after one dance?

I thought back to that night. Shortly after I'd left to head back to my rooms, he'd caught up with me in the stairs. Held me even. Then the day she visited, he'd argued with her about my post.


What did he get out of it? What did he have to gain? It seemed he had much to lose.

Merlin, the man had children with the woman, and still, he chose to entertain the pretty little idiot that was his apprentice, rather than spend as much time as possible with Ella. The mother of his daughters.

'You never came back.'

Had that been in reference to when he left them, or when he'd left the ball? Perhaps both.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I collided into the human equivalent of a brick wall. In other words, Snape's chest. He reached out, catching me nimbly. "Easy there, Granger."

He steadied me, grabbing onto my elbows. "I am sorry, sir. I suppose I was lost in thought."

The man before me smirked, he had yet to let go of me. "Pray tell, Miss Granger, what occupies that busy brain of yours this early in the morning?"

I shrugged. "Nothing of importance, Professor." I looked into his eyes. "What have you in store for me today?"

He stepped away slowly, releasing his hold on me. Something flashed in charcoal eyes, before returning to cold indifference, as always. "Note taking and lesson planning."

I refrained from sighing and nodded, acknowledging his response to my inquiry. Every brush of his fingers sent electric shocks through my body. It was the oddest sensation. I wanted to revel in the wonderfulness of it, but a part of me felt tricked. Hurt.

I had to remember that he was a Slytherin, and most likely toying with me. Say sweet nothings that I would obviously fall for, treat me gently, hold me close, only to benefit his own wants. This was the same man who had snogged another woman in my presence. I couldn't let myself get attached to the dangerous man that was Severus Snape, though I knew I was already farther in than I dared to admit. I'd fallen too deeply as it was.

"Miss Granger?" He asked, calling me back to reality. I closed my eyes briefly, sorting myself out. He eyed me curiously. "Is something the matter?

I quickly shook my head in reply. "Not at all, just thinking."

He seemed unconvinced. He arched an eyebrow questioningly. "Have you eaten yet?"

I frowned at the sudden change in topic. I once more shook my head, and he gestured for me to follow him up the dungeon stairs, to the Great Hall. Once we were seated, he noticed I was fiddling the necklace, a nervous habit I'd quickly developed. A small smile appeared on his face. I hadn't removed it yet, in fear that I'd lose the fragile bond we'd forged during my first few months. His company meant the world to me, even after everything that happened when I was a student. I was able to see a different part of him, past the strict teacher he played. But that had been unjustly ripped from me when Ella came to the school and reclaimed what she thought was hers. Speaking of what was hers... Had this necklace belonged to her? If it did, I wasn't sure I wanted anything to do with it.

He cleared his throat, attracting my attention. "Are you going to eat, or stare at your breakfast?"

My face reddened in embarrassment, as I started on some toast. I was still exercising my appetite, being careful not to over-eat. "I was wondering you this necklace belonged to."

He froze, his tea cup having just been lifted from the table. His lips pressed into a hard line of displeasure. He seemed to be debating on something, fighting an internal battle, before turning to face me. "It belonged to someone very important to me." Seeing his eyes turn sad, I placed my hand on his forearm encouragingly, offering him a small smile. "It was meant to be a wedding gift, but the bride had never had the chance to wear it before she passed away. She was to wear it the day of her wedding."

My heart fell. He was trying to contain his emotions, but the despair was clear as day in his voice. My hand curled into the fabric of his sleeve. "That's awful, sir. I'm so sorry."

He nodded, staring down into his long forgotten teacup. "I figured someone should get some use out of it. It looks lovely on you. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the fates had purposely kept me from giving it to anyone but you in the most terrible way possible."

I shivered at his words. They were dark, scary even. How could he say such things without thinking further into it? "Professor..."

He seemed to notice my hand on his arm, and covered it with his own. He stared into my eyes ardently. The passion in them frightened me slightly. It wasn't something I was used to seeing in the sullen Potions' Master's expression. He shook his head, more to himself than anything else. "You are not destined for an ending like my Madeline's. I won't allow it."

After his peculiar sentence, he stood and walked out of the Hall, breakfast hardly touched.

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