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He kept sneaking glances at me throughout the first period, ensuring I was alright, as I went around the room, assisting the first years with their boil-remedying potions.

It was difficult to keep a straight face at times. The attention was beyond unusual. However, I couldn't blame him for being worried, considering what happened earlier.

Still, I couldn't help feel my face go red from time to time. Merlin, I really had to get a handle on that.

The ghost of his lips on my forehead remained there still, long after he had stepped away. There had been something so caring in the tiny action. It was beyond anything I'd witnessed in regards to the snarky Potions' Master. I had to admit, that side of him was very charming and ever so alluring.

I caught myself staring again and looked away quickly, averting my attention to a student's smoking cauldron.

"Oh, dear, Mr Grant." I covered it with a wet rag and had the boy sit on his stool. "Are you alright?"

He nodded slowly, his eyes glassy.

My heart squeezed. "No, no. Don't worry! It's your first potion. It's alright to mess up."

The sandy haired boy sniffled. "If she can do it, I should be able too." He pointed to the young lady at the front of the class. I remembered her to be very enthusiastic to start the course, even after Snape's terrifying spiel.

I frowned. "What does that have to do with anything? Perhaps she's read ahead."

The Hufflepuff looked at me as if I were completely stupid. "She's a Muggleborn. They aren't real wizards. I, on the other hand, am a real wizard. My family is pureblooded. If they found out I was beaten by her kind, I'll be the laughing stock of the family."

For a moment, all I saw was red. How dare this little chit make racist comments in front of me, of all people. I raised an eyebrow and looked down on him. "5 points from Hufflepuff for disrespecting your classmate, Mr Grant." He looked at me wide-eyed. I smirked. "You should watch your words. You just insulted a Muggleborn in front of one."

He looked even more confused than before. Snape stepped up behind me and I could hear the venom in his voice when he spoke. "Class, this is our new apprentice. Miss Granger. Decorated war hero and brightest witch of her age."

The Grant boy cowered beneath the professor's gaze. I swear I heard a whimper emitted from him as I turned away, and continued walking around the room.

The students began to whisper amongst each other promptly after my introduction. They had speculated my identity and wondered who I was, but no one dared make any assumptions, in fear that they may be wrong and punished. Or worse, embarrassed.

The day continued on as such, boring classes of watching, cleaning and listening to the same welcome back speech. Well, welcome was an overstatement. At the end of the day, Snape had me clean the classroom once again. Honestly, how many time did it need to be cleaned?

After scrubbing the pewter cauldrons by hand for the fifth time that day, I stepped up to his desk, expectantly. "Professor, it's nearly supper..." He looked up from his grading and raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "How does that concern your apprenticeship, Miss Granger?"

My eyes were round as saucers, but I held back the urge to scream at him. I'd jeopardised enough that day as it was. "I was wondering if I may be excused to eat."

He stood from his desk and strode to the cabinet. The went through it a moment before stepping out with a small phial filled with a dark liquid. It wasn't a potion I recognised. He eyed me suspiciously. "Not looking like that. I won't have my apprentice be the laughing stock of the school." He gestured to my hair that'd become messy from the vigorous work I'd done, and my hands were filthy. "Besides, the closet needs to be sorted through, dusted and reorganised."

I clenched my jaw. "Please, sir! I've done all that you've asked. The least you could do is let me eat."

Snape's face turned stormy. I immediately regretted my outburst. I'd been too defiant that day already. He strode over and stared down at me, I'd crossed the line again. "You will do exactly as I say, or your apprenticeship will be indefinitely suspended. I don't want to hear a peep from you during your instruction hours. Is that clear, Miss Granger?"

"Ye-" He cut me off with a warning look, and I nodded slowly in response.

With that, he left the classroom and slammed the door behind him, leaving me alone to clean and do his bidding. I sank to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest, leaning my chin on them.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

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