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Severus led me through the corridors, pulling me by the hand. Even with his limp and cane, he was much faster than I was. He surprised me by stopping in front of my door, murmuring the password, pushing it open. "After you," he gestured that I step into the rooms.

Confused, I did as told, turning to face him once the door clicked shut. "What is it?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

He waved his wand around my chambers, packing all of my things into tiny boxes. He then slipped the packages into the pocket of his robes. The rooms seemed barren without my books and knickknacks.

He offered me his arm, grabbing a small mirror-like object with his other hand. "Severus..." I swallowed thickly recognising the instrument. "Is that a foe-glass?" The answer I awaited came in form of a nod. "You put a foe-glass in my rooms..? That's how you knew I was in trouble that night..."

The man I adored leaned over, pressing his lips to my cheek. "I do hope you are not overly cross with my secrecy, darling. I could not risk anyone knowing, lest it get to Ella."

I nodded dumbly, my heart swelling and fluttering at the idea. He truly had cared. Even when he said he didn't.

I met his eyes shyly, smiling. "I seem to once again be in your debt, Professor."

A real smile graced his face, sending the butterflies in my tummy soaring. "Nonsense, love. What have I told you? By the time you finished that book, by the end of term, we would be in every sense equals."

I eyed him curiously. "How did you know I finished it?"

The Potions' Master raised an eyebrow. "We have been working together for months. You sat in my class for years. I tend to take notice of something like that." He replied cheekily, mirth making his eyes glitter.

Those beautiful onyx life pools flashing with life and love and all the most wonderful emotions. I took the opportunity to cup his face in my hands, meeting my lips with his. He sighed, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me in. I could have melted then and there. He was everything I wanted. Everything I needed. He was home.

In his arms, I was home.

I leaned away, curling my fingers into the fabric at his chest. "Why did you pack away my things?" I inquired. "Where are we going?"

The dark wizard I called my own smirked. "Ever the curious witch..." The sentence drifted off into the silence of the space around us. "We have been excused from the last week of school. Until September, we are free to return home. Wherever home is for you, love."

I jumped into his arms, planting dozens of kisses all over his face. "You're my home, silly. I'd follow you anywhere." My reply seemed to satisfy him, though there was something still nagging at me. "And the girls?"

"We are off to fetch them. Waverly has completed her year and examinations. The other Malfoy children are currently going through the adoption process with Narcissa. She found she hadn't the heart to part with them, despite the scandal."

The smile that spread across my face surely would have torn it in half had it gone any further. "That's incredible! How lovely of her!"

One last kiss to my temple told me we were leaving. And so we went through the Floo to the Headmistress' office to pick up the girls and off to Spinner's End we went.

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