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The wake up was rough.

I hadn't slept well and morning had come all too quickly for my liking. Within minutes, I was dressed and seated at the High Table with my mentor. We looked down on the faces of the returning students. I scanned their little faces in search of one in particular. When I didn't see it, I turned to Snape, placing a hand on his arm. I hadn't needed to ask, his creased brow told me all I needed to know. 

He had not seen his daughter either. 

Classes resumed as though there had been no break since the last time they'd been in the dungeons. Sometime near lunch, after a class of third year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws left, a large, calloused hand grabbed mine, pulling me out the door and up the stairs at a frightening pace. I struggled to keep up, my mind reeling. "What is it?" I asked, jogging to meet his long, elegant steps. 

We had reached the Headmistress' office before he replied. The gargoyle leapt out of the way, letting us up the winding staircase, even without the password. We burst through the door, coming face to face with the older witch, who was scribbling furiously at a piece of parchment. The quill's tip was pressed so far into the paper, I was certain it would snap.

"Where is my daughter?" The Potions' Master seethed, his grip on my hand getting tighter. 

Her head snapped up, hard eyes meeting his gaze. "I am attempting to find that out as we speak. Your wife took her three days ago, insisting she would back at the castle by 8 am this morning. It is 8 am, she is nowhere to be seen and Ella Mitchell has gone missing!"

I swallowed thickly, gripping onto his arm. Could this be what Lucius Malfoy had come to tell him?

I felt his temper flare and he clenched his jaw. "What do you mean missing?" He spat. "Ella doesn't go missing, Ella hides in plain sight."

Minerva took a deep breath. "I received a letter only a few minutes ago. Ella has gone missing and Miss Dunbar will not be returning to complete her year as long as her mother is not found." She raised her hands in defeat. "Minister's words, Severus. I'm afraid my hands are tied. I've done all I can."

His hands curled into fists, knuckles turning white. "Hogwarts is the safest place for her. What of the baby? They should be here with me. I am their father." 

McGonagall's face fell. Whatever she had to say was not going to be good. "The Aurors think you played a part in her disappearance. They will be staying with their current guardian until this is all figured out."

My heart fell into my stomach. I felt sick. "Why would they think Professor Snape had anything to do with it?" I asked, my voice small, though I feared I already knew the answer.

My former teacher stood and turned to face the window. "They suspect foul play. Malfoy Manor was broken into yesterday, shortly before she was reported as a missing person."

"Who reported it?" He asked quietly. He was at his most dangerous, the calm before the storm. 

Minerva shrugged, shaking her head slightly. The door opened once again, this time, Harry and Ron coming in, headed straight for Snape. Ron was blue in the face, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. "Ron, what are you doing?" He pushed me behind him, standing defensively before me, as though he were trying to protect me. Behind them, an army of Aurors and other ministry officials stormed in, crowding the office.

The boy I had once dearly loved pushed me further behind him when I tried to step away. "He's dangerous, 'Mione. I can't let you go any closer."

I fought my way to the man I adored, who was now being held down by three others, their wands pointed at his face. "What is the meaning of this? Let him go!"

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