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"Dinner party?" I asked, once we'd returned to the castle and were alone in the dungeons. "Why is this the first I've heard of it?"

He turned from me, unwarding his door. "I've only recently learned of it. I didn't want Waverly overhearing anything. It might upset her."

I couldn't help the bewildered laugh that escape me. "Why would a dinner party upset your highly logical daughter?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Was the man afraid of the reaction of a 13 year old?

He blinked twice before responding. "It is taking place at Malfoy Manor."

I froze, a cold sweat beading at the nape of my neck. I hated that place. Surely, he must have known what had happened to me there. Maybe he didn't...

I changed the subject briskly. "Are you sure Mavis will be alright?" I bit my nail, an old habit I rarely indulged in anymore. "She's all by herself up there."

He nodded, taking a step closer. I suppose he must have noticed my change in stance and tone, for his next words were calmer, caressed in his smooth velvet voice. "Minerva is more than capable of watching the baby until Mr. Malfoy comes to get her. She's in good hands."

The corner of my lips lifted wearily. "I'm just a little worried, I suppose."

He raised an eyebrow, snaking out his arms and wrapping them around my waist, pulling me in. "Quite understandable. Especially after this morning's..." He paused, pressing his lips beneath my jaw. "Episode."

I sighed, leaning into him. Merlin, the man had me under some sort of spell. He pecked my lips lightly before pulling away, to my dissatisfaction. A light chuckle escaped him as he caught my scowl. "I hope you have another of those delectable dresses for this evening." His voice was low, and oh so symphonic.

I bit my lip, meeting his eyes shyly. "I don't, sadly. Though, while I was shopping with Ginny the other day, I came upon the most beautiful gown. I'll leave you to your things." I told him, turning to the staircase. "I'll be back in an hour, tops."

As I attempted to slip from his reach, his cold fingers caught my wrist, tightening around the sensitive skin. "Don't go alone. There are wicked people still."

I met his eyes, they were filled with concern and distress. "I will be perfectly fine. No one will hurt me. It's alright." 

I tried to walk away, but his grip was tight. "Darling, please, I can't bear the thought of something happening that I could have prevented."

Darling? I swooned. He was such a romantic beneath all that bitter. Can't believe I had ever thought him to be heartless. He pulled me to him, holding my face, and kissing me deeply, something in him fiery. Pulling away, I smiled gently. "If this is your response to my dress shopping, I should do it more often." He rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I leaned into him. "It's morning, and I  am going into a very densely populated area for less than an hour. I'm Hermione Granger, no one would dare attack me in broad daylight."

He made to argue, but I managed to cut him off before he had the chance. "Anyone stupid enough to try can't possibly be a real threat." I kissed him softly and slipped from his arms, going up the steps two at a time. "I'll see you in an hour."

Making my way down the hill to the main gates, I had the sensation of being closely watched, though when I turned around to observe the path I'd made through the fresh fallen snow, I saw no one. Frowning, I turned back to keep walking and couldn't help the scream that left my lips. I took a deep breath, composing myself, my hand over my heart. It was going a mile a minute. "Ooh, that man gets under my skin. Thinks I can't take care of myself. Nearly as bad as the Weasleys!"

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