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We lay in silence. I was nearly certain he'd fallen asleep, his breathing deep and even. His back was to me, offering me nothing but the alabaster wall of skin and the sheen of sweat that adorned it.

Suddenly, I felt so lonely. And cold. Was this all I was to him? Easy prey?

No. Surely he felt something more for me. He had to... Right? Or had I been reading things wrong this whole time?

Uncertain and confused, I stood from my bed, making my way to the shower. I ached so deliciously in all the right places, something I didn't know could feel so nice. Though my heart hurt, the pain of it slowly tearing.

What were these treacherous thoughts assaulting my brain? He'd told me he loved me. Hadn't he?

No. He hadn't. In a tense moment with his former wife, he'd agreed with her that he loved me.

Maybe that's what bothered me. I knew he wasn't someone who exposed themselves that way, I was similar in that regard. Though, I couldn't help but crave wanting to be let in a little further into his heart, into his sentiments.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, the water from the shower head sprinkling my face. The warmth of it hitting my skin, the droplets weighing down my hair.

I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed when someone else stepped into the bathroom, slowly pulling aside the curtain. I turned quickly, letting out a shaky breath.

"Jumpy, are we?" He asked, his infamous eyebrow raised.

I bit my lip and nodded, not trusting my voice. It would reveal how I was really feeling. I couldn't afford to be so sensitive at the moment. I couldn't lose what we had, whatever it was.

Of course, he caught on anyway and saw right through me. He hadn't even needed to use Legilimency. I was just that obvious, I suppose.

He was right about the whole subtlety thing. Ugh. He was always right.

He pulled me into his arms, trailing his lips along my throat. I sighed, leaning into him. He chuckled, straightening up. "I suppose it's your soap that smells of jasmine."

I nodded. "What is your obsession with my scent?" I asked, truly curious. He always commented on it, but never once had he told me why.

He shrugged, meeting my lips briefly. "It reminds me of something, I'm just trying to wrap my head around what it could be."

I looked into his eyes, pushing away his hair. I had to tell him. "Your smell mimics Amortentia nearly perfectly."

His eyes flashed. "Lusting after your teacher, Miss Granger?" He inquired, a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth. "You aren't infatuated with me, are you?"

I rolled my eyes. He was such a prat. He loved to tease me. "I fear it may be more than that, sir," I replied solemnly. "I seem to have fallen for the Dungeon Bat."

He narrowed his eyes, pulling me closer, our bodies flush. "Cheeky."

I openly laughed. "Says the man in my shower."

His teasing had relaxed me, warmed me up. I didn't know why I was so worried about something I wasn't sure I even wanted to know the answer to.

To my total shock, he then slung me over his shoulder and left the bathroom, throwing me down onto my bed. "What are you doing?" I managed between breaths. It had been a long time since I'd laughed so hard. 

When I tried to sit up, he pinned me down, holding me captive. "Insolent."

I gaped mockingly. "Contumelious arse." I retorted, fighting against him in vain. 

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