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I unceremoniously fell into my chair at the High Table that morning. I was exhausted! Who knew being an apprentice was so tiring? I had the sneaking suspicion that Snape was being harder on me than necessary, but I didn't dare say anything. I needed this too much. Especially now, if he fired me, I'd quite literally be homeless. No thanks to Ronald, that is.

McGonagall pat my hand gently. "Everything alright, Miss Granger?"

She gazed into my eyes and I nodded, smiling softly. "Quite."

The look on her face led me to believe that she had other things on her mind. She'd always been rather bad at keeping secrets. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and she smiled. "What are your plans this afternoon, Miss Granger?" She asked. 

I shrugged. "Depends on whatever Professor Snape has in store for me. He isn't beyond surprising me with last minute instructions. Why do you ask?"

She took my hand in hers. "The ball is in two days, and I heard that you haven't anything to wear yet. I'd like to take you to a robe shop to choose something out. It's a rather formal event."

I shook my head slowly. "Headmistress, I appreciate your concern, but I hadn't any intention of attending. You see-"

The older witch frowned. "Don't you know it's mandatory for all staff? You must attend. In Severus' company, no less."

I felt my face go red. No way was I attending the ceremony. Ron would be there... By attending with my instructor, it would only reinforce his beliefs. False beliefs.

A voice beside me pulled me from my thoughts. "Indeed, Miss Granger. You must be prepared to attend the event, most unfortunately. As for Mr Weasley, all will be taken care of."

His words were slightly ominous. What did that mean? I turned to him. "Sir, please. I really don't want to go."

He rolled his eyes. "You haven't anything better to do, and it is part of your training." I tried to interrupt, but he shot me a warning look. "My decision is final. Quit your incessant babbling. As for your plans for the day, I insist you acquire something proper for the evening. I won't be made a fool by an incompetent apprentice."

With that, he turned back to his breakfast, and the Headmistress kept making plans, listing the shops we would visit later on in the day. I couldn't help the sigh that escaped me. I swear, these people will be the death of me. 

Long after the majority of the hall had emptied out, Minerva finally stood and gestured for me to follow. We stepped into the corridor where she explained her plan. I was to fetch my cloak and return to her office once I was prepared to leave the castle. Hurrying to my rooms, I opted for my more comfortable shoes, seeing as her list of shops was rather lengthy. 

Warding the door behind me, I came face to face with Snape. He too appeared to be leaving for the day. Seeing me, he offered me his arm and we made our way up the stairs. I was nervous next to him, he was very intimidating, though I had to admit, it was an attractive aspect. He dropped me off at the Headmaster's office, before heading out the main doors. 

I mumbled the password and hurried up the steps, stepping into the round room. "Ah, Miss Granger, there you are. Time to go." Minerva was all set to go, her cloak draped over her arm, small purse in hand. "Severus will meet us there, we will be taking the Floo."

I felt my face flush. "Meet us there?" I asked, not wanting to believe her words. 

She nodded and ushered me to the fireplace. "Yes, he insisted. Something about not having you look like an overly done up toddler."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a fistful of powder. "Figures." I mumbled, before throwing the handful in and stating the name of my destination. I stepped out of the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, coughing, wiping soot from my clothes and hair. 

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