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I was just about fed up with her accusations. She constantly blamed Severus for what happened between them, yet she did nothing to rectify the situation. If anything, she made it worse. So much worse.

He spun around quickly, fists clenched. You could tell he was doing his best to remain somewhat calm. I freed one hand and slipped it into his, coming to stand before him, creating a barrier between the two. Mavis snuggled into my chest, the movement distracting him. He looked down at his infant daughter in my arms, taking a deep breath. "She's trying to get to you," I whispered. I realised my throat was constricted with emotion. I saw pain flash through his eyes. "Don't give her that satisfaction. Come back to me."

He shifted his weight on the balls on his feet, trying to ground himself. I met his eyes hopefully. He nodded curtly, gripping my hand, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. I smiled softly. I was proud of him. He'd been making excellent progress regarding his nasty temper. This was a big step in the right direction.

He took the baby from my arms, holding her close to his chest. She squirmed around a bit before settling with a minuscule sigh. "Miss Mitchell." He stated, finally greeting the woman. 

Her face was slowly turning deep red, her teeth clenched, fists balled tightly, every muscle tense. "How dare you bring her here? First, you ridicule me by bringing her into our home, then you bring her to see my employer. You are a selfish man. Cruel."

The dark wizard raised an eyebrow. "It is my home to do as I please, not yours, much less ours." He spat. "Lucius is an old friend, he invited us both. If you have any issues, speak with him."

Ella looked like she was about ready to snap. "You're trying to replace me, aren't you? It won't work."

He rolled his eyes, the little patience he retained was wearing thin. "There is no need to, as you so interestingly phrased, 'replace you' because as you well know, you left the picture long before any of this started." She opened to mouth to retort, stepping closer, standing a mere foot from us, but he held up a finger to silence her. "I insist you refrain from insulting any immediate member of my family, including Miss Granger."

Her mouth dropped open, tears welling in your eyes. "What do you mean family? I am your family."

I shook my head, brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand how you could be so afraid that someone else show him love." Then I understood. "You haven't been in his life for a decade. He has the right to move on from you. You need to accept the fact that people can love more than just you."

I heard the sound of her hand hitting my face before I felt it. It resonated throughout the room, her children gasped, backing away, huddling close together. Camille stared at her sister, shocked. "Eloise!" She cried. "Comment oses-tu faire une telle chose?" 

She actually hit me. Severus made to move toward her, but I stood between them again. I pushed against his hips, keeping him from stepping forward. He was infuriated, his expression terrifying. Mavis began to whimper. I took the baby from his arms and handed her to her aunt. Turning back to him, I placed a hand on his arm. "Move." He growled, pushing against me. 

I pushed back. "Stop it."

He kept fighting against me, closing the distance between us and his former wife. Merlin, he was powerful. He pushed me aside, getting me out of his way. Because of my stupid shoes, I fell to the floor, tripping in the train of my dress. He was lost to me for the moment. His rage had taken over, getting the best of him. His hand reached out, grabbing her by the throat. The woman in his grasp scratched at his fingers, lashing out, kicking him, doing anything to escape. Her sister stood frozen, the children cowering behind a sofa, crying softly. 

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