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Of all the people who could have called out to me in the hallway, Ron was definitely not the one that had crossed my mind. He hurried over to me at a light jog, his boots hitting the stone floor the only sound. When he stood before I rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood for an argument. "What do you want, Ronald?"

He sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but flinch. He dropped his hand, raking it through his hair. "Look, 'Mione..." He mumbled, trying to find his words. "I get it. Why you've been acting out like this. I was a git to you, I should have treated you better. I know you think Snape is treating you right and all, but he's a bad man, 'Mione. He's the same person he was when we were kids. No number of parties or buttering up is going to change that."

I shut my eyes, pressing a hand to my forehead. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was never going to learn, was he? "Ron, I don't thi-"

"I love you, Hermione." He blurted out. "I messed up, I know that. But I can make you happy. Like we were before. You don't need his family, we can start our own. I should have never argued with you over your post here. I know what it means to you. Come back to me, please."

I shook my head, hiding my face. "Ron, I can't." I couldn't face him. My heart ached for my friend, my former lover, my fiance. How could he expect me to run back into his arms after all that had happened?

Then it hit me. Because he didn't know. 

He knew only what he saw and read about. He didn't know anything else, he hadn't been at the supper at Malfoy Manor, he didn't work in the school, he didn't talk to the same people as I did. It seemed he hadn't consulted Harry, even. "Hasn't Harry told you..?" 

I left the sentence drift off, seeing Snape come toward us from the other end of the corridor. Merlin, this couldn't be good. I ran my hands through my hair, tangling them in my curls. Ron was rambling on about something, but I had diverted my attention to the mass of black that was coming toward us at an alarming speed. He only moved that quickly when something was wrong, or when he was angry. Judging by the look on his face, I would have said it was the latter. "You should go." I burst, wishing he would just disappear before Snape reached us.

"Why? Hermione, I'm serious about this." He countered, quickly peering over his shoulder, and consequently turning a pale shade of green.

I nodded slowly in response, a warm body coming to stand behind me, snaking an arm around my waist. "What seems to be the issue?" A low voice asked, leaning dangerously close to my ear. 

I shivered involuntarily, angling my face towards his. So that I was sure he'd hear me. "Nothing. There's nothing. Ron was just leaving." 

Ron's ears were slowly turning red, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Good day, Professor." He spat. "We'll continue this conversation some other time, 'Mione."

I waited until he had gone through the main doors before speaking. "I'm not lying. There was no issue. He came to talk, and to... Give me my Christmas gift."

The man who held me cocked an eyebrow. "I don't see a gift."

I bit my lip, turning to face him, but keeping my eyes downcast. "That's because it wasn't something tangible. He, um, he gave me an apology. I think."

A long, slender finger tilted my chin back. "Alright. We'll leave it at that." He lowered his head and met my lips for a moment. "I have a meeting. Stay out of trouble."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why now? Why today of all days? 

I loved Ron. I always had. A part of me would more than likely always would. He was my first love. I could bear the thought of losing him. Then again, I already had. I'd run from the altar, gotten involved with another man. A man I knew he despised. Though I hadn't done it out of spite... Had I?

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