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'He kissed me then, the taste of sweet summer wine upon his lips. His hands waving through my hair, his body pressed up against my own.

Never again would he leave me.

The End.'

I snapped the book shut, throwing it to the ground. A small pile had begun to form with all the novels I had thrown down. Why did I own so many romance stories?

"Rubbish." I spat, standing from my seat in the Great Hall and crossing the room.

Snape met my eyes briefly. He was concerned. I raised an eyebrow, my lips pressing into a hard line. He had no right to look at me that way. To look at me as though he cared. He had made it perfectly clear that I was a mistake to him. That what we had was nothing more to him than an infatuated school girl pining after her teacher. Maybe Ella had a point. Hadn't he done the same to her?

I felt sick. I never thought I would see the day that I was in the same situation as Ella Mitchell. There were different components, of course, though the end result was the same. I had fallen into the same trap she had.

I took a deep breath, looking away. The students were playing gobstones and exploding snap, wizard's chess and other board games to pass the time.

I sighed, walking over to Minerva. She opened her arms, welcoming me. I rested my head on her shoulder, she patted my hair gently. "I haven't seen you much today. How did Severus take the potato facial?"

I giggled. He hadn't said anything about that, surprisingly. "To be perfectly honest, Headmistress, I think he rather enjoyed it."

She smiled, holding back a laugh. She eyed him from across the room, the same sneaky smile painting her lips the whole time. She turned back to me. "I believe this is the first time I have seen you since you left the hospital ward."

I frowned. "I saw you earlier today. You were in the dungeons."

She shook her head and ice went down my spine. "I never go down there. Too chilly for my liking."

I swayed, my hand coming up to hold my forehead. "You were there. I spoke with you. I thought it odd you were in the dungeons."

She frowned, concern filling her eyes. "I assure you, I have not gone anywhere near the dungeons today."

I felt dizzy, my breath caught in my throat. I gripped her arm tightly, sliding my eyes shut. She motioned for the Potions' Master to come toward us, delicately handing me off to him. His arm snaked around my waist, holding me close. I wavered, he caught me with his other arm, supporting my weight.

Minerva explained the situation, his eyes went wide, his lips contorting into a nasty sneer.

My knees gave out, unable to support me. Snape scooped me into his arms, pressing me to his chest. His heart was beating erratically, as though affected by how close I was. I must have imagined it. He was worried, is all. Worried for his daughter.

I was vaguely aware of Madam Pomfrey approaching us and pressing her hand to my forehead, checking my pulse, performing a few diagnostic spells.

I was being spoken to, someone telling me to stay awake.

"Hermione, stay with me,"

The voice seemed so far away as black stars danced across my vision. So far, but so familiar. I wanted more than anything to reach it.

The low voice that was wrapped in velvet and sin. "Severus..." I managed before the world went dark.


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