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I woke up panting. I wiped the sleeve of my nightgown across my forehead, I'd broken out in a cold sweat. Remnants of my nightmare echoed through my mind, bouncing along the walls of my head. My heart was beating erratically, pounding a hole through my chest. Merlin, it hurt. I couldn't help the heartbroken sob that escaped me.

Without a moment's thought, I ran through the door and across the hall, running through the Potions' Master's office and knocking fervently on his chamber door.

There was no answer.

Not a sound from the other side of the door. Nothing. I clutched at my chest, fear eating away at me. Where was he?

The house elf appeared with a familiar crack and I screamed. She took my hands in hers, sitting me down. I curled up, wrapping my arms around myself. "Minky will get master." She said softly, offering me a gentle smile, concern in her large yellowed eyes.

With that, she disappeared, leaving me alone. I stood up, not wanting to feel more vulnerable. I couldn't defend myself if I was sitting. They would come back. They would.

Warm, solid arms wrapped themselves around me. I struggled, pushing against them, trying to escape their grasp. They wrapped around me tighter, pulling me back against a chest. "Hermione," a voice called out. "You are safe."

I struggled against the person holding me, kicking them, scratching at their hands, hitting my head against their chest. "Let me go! I won't let you hurt him!" The yells were pulled from my throat with an extraordinary amount of force. I didn't even know who I was yelling at.

The person holding me sat down, holding me to them. They held my arms, wrapping their own tight around my waist, holding me close.

In my confused state, I vaguely recognised the smell of peppermint and nettle, various spices and parchment. The scent began to calm me, settling my thoughts. Slowly, so very slowly, I began to relax. I felt a steady heartbeat against my back, pulsing rhythmically.

Thud-thud. Thud-thud.

Warm lips touched my ear, a hand stroking my hair. "You are safe. With me." I whimpered, curling into his embrace. "There is no need to be afraid. I am here."

His words comforted me, but did little to chase away the thoughts that had so violently woken me. When I finally stilled in his arms, he pressed his lips to my temple, still stroking my hair. "What happened?" He asked, leaning my head back on his shoulder, nuzzling his face into my hair and neck.

I shivered. I hated to think of it. I hated that I had thought up something so awful. "It was just a bad dream." I croaked, grabbing onto his hands and bringing them to my face, resting my cheek on them. "Just a bad dream."

I suppose he figured I was trying to convince myself that nothing had really happened, because he pulled me closer still, pressing me against his chest. "Tell me what happened." He said softly, his voice breathy and concerned.

I shook my head frantically. I couldn't, wouldn't put myself through that ordeal a second time. "Why did you let me go to my rooms alone?"

I heard the accusatory tone in my voice and cursed myself. Now was not the time to be placing the blame on someone who's just comforted me.

I turned in his arms, straddling his lap. He pushed the stray curls from my face. "I shouldn't have. I should have kept you with me."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into him after seeing his eyes turn sad. He blamed himself. "I'm sorry." I hiccoughed. "I didn't mean to-"

He pressed his lips to my neck, his breath tickling my skin. "You're alright. Everything will be alright. You're with me now."

I nodded, pulling him closer still. He placed his hands on my waist, pushing me away lightly, leaning his head back to look into my eyes. He observed me quietly, onyx orbs taking in my every feature. Something flashed across his face. Relief.

He was making sure I was alright. I kissed the corner of his mouth tentatively, still shaken by the terrible dream. A small smile graced his face and pulled me in, taking my lips with his, slowly kissing me. I bit down on his bottom lip softly, pulling it slightly. He groaned and pulled me in closer, tangling his fingers into my hair. "Severus," I whispered, pushing the hair back from his face.

"Hm?" He questioned, pulling me in, his left hand rested along my hip.

I shifted, pressing myself to him. I leaned down, my lips close to his ear, caressing it with my next breath. "More." I sighed, dipping my head to press kisses along his throat.

His breathing hitched when I passed my tongue over his scars from the blasted snake that had nearly taken him. I spent a few extra moments passing over them, paying special attention to the slash along his jugular.

I leaned back, raising an eyebrow. I knew I was mirroring him, but I couldn't help it. "Since when is sleeping in your formal robes comfortable?" I tugged on the cravat, loosening it, pulling open his shirt, returning to his throat.

He swallowed thickly, his breathing shallow. "Hermione," he managed, his voice hoarse. "Hermione, please."

I grinned wickedly, leaning away. "Please, what?" I asked innocently, trailing a finger down his chest.

He held my head in one hand, and lunged forward, knocking me over backward. His body was over mine, his chest pressed close, his lips all over my throat and chest, pushing aside my nightgown, exposing my shoulder. He attacked the skin there, gliding his teeth over and over the same spot.

I gasped, my back arching beneath him. One hand in his hair, the other fighting with his buttons. He growled, taking my mouth again, sliding his tongue between my lips. "You'll be the death of me, witch." He mumbled, sliding a hand under my back and pulling me closer.

I smirked, leaning away to take in his reddened face and swollen lips. "Will I really?" I asked, connecting my lips to his, unable to stay away any longer.

He groaned in response, sucking on my lower lip. "Definitely." He managed. "But I'll die happy."

My heart melted. He was happy. With me. Happy. Truly. I smiled, my lips ghosting his. Suddenly, he stood, pulling me up with him. Once I was standing, he took me in his arms, dipping me back, kissing me deeply. He walked me backward into his chambers, his lips never leaving mine.

I tugged at his coat, ripping it open, his shirt along with it, my hands running down his chest, feeling the thrum of his heart beneath my fingers. I looked up, meeting his eyes, he dropped a kiss to my cheek. I traced some of the scars that decorated his alabaster skin with such gore. There were so many. Some had been deeper than others. Some were long and thin, then there were the ugly darker ones. Those hurt me most. They were by far the oldest. They were round, and eerily resembled cigarette burns.

He caught my hand, bringing it to his lips. I smiled easily, comforted by his gesture. "You said you loved me," I started quietly.

Something flickered in his eyes. Was it pain? Fear? Panic. Most definitely panic. But it was quickly masked. I normally envied his skill, but now I was worried for him. Masking his emotions wasn't going to help anything. "Her-"

I silenced him with the softest of kisses, a feather gliding across his mouth. Steeling myself for my next words, I met his eyes, looking deeply into them.

"Show me."

RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora