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It had been the strangest method of transportation I'd ever taken. We landed in a cold, dark alleyway. The snow decorated the solemn streetlamp, dimly lighting the street. Waverly ran towards the house on the end of the road. It was a darker shade of grey than the rest of the houses, something about it seemed more foreboding, menacing. She let out a whoop and jumped up the small step to stand at the door. "Spinner's End!"

She turned and waved us over, trying to get us to hurry. I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked up, meeting them. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "It was a very strange experience, I hadn't been expecting it."

He offered me his hand as he made his way toward the teen. I looped my arm with his, helping him push the pram to the front door. "It is the safest way to get the children places quickly. Side-along apparition is too risky, especially with the baby."

He unwarded the front door, letting his eldest run past him. To my surprise, Minky awaited us on the other side to take our cloaks. I looked around, inspecting the narrow corridors, large bookshelves, wooden floorboards.

I followed the Snape family further into the house, observing everything, taking in as much as I could. We came across a living room, there were two armchairs and a small couch. The armchairs sat before the fireplace, that roared comfortably, heating the room. Bookshelves filled the walls, books stacked on every surface. Merlin, who knew he'd have such an extensive library? I knew he was an academic, but my goodness...

Over the hearth, there was a small shelf. There was a picture of a beautiful girl holding a baby. Beside it, stood another frame, this one held the smiling face of the same young lady. She was laughing, attempting to hide from the camera. Someone beside her was trying to get her to pose for the photograph. Next to the frames were a tiny pair of slippers, there was a large 'W' emblazoned on the side. I turned away from the shelf and spotted a rather large instrument in the corner of the room. I approached it, running my fingers along the smooth, dark wood. I hadn't seen one since my elementary school days. My music teacher had played one.

"Play the cello?" Asked a voice. I started, turning to the voice. He'd frightened me.

I shook my head and caught sight of the bow resting on the window sill. "It's a beautiful instrument. Do you?"

He chuckled. "Gods, no. Though, Maddles did all she could to teach me."

I approached him, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around me. "Who would have known that the infamous Severus Snape had a sister who played the cello?"

He chuckled lightly, looking down at me. "They sent it to me after she died. Didn't know what to do with it. My mother had paid dearly for the wretched thing. Not only could we not afford it, my father hated the sound. She was only allowed to play when he was out, which fortunately enough was quite frequent. Haven't touched it since."

I gestured to the photos. "Is that her?"

He nodded, a sad smile at the corner of his lips. "That's the day Waverly was born." He said quietly, running his hand along the side of it. "This one was her 20th birthday. The woman beside her was to be her wife."

I heard the gasp leave me before I could stop it. "I'm so sorry, Professor." He frowned, not understanding why I was apologising. "You've suffered such loss, people only ever thought you cruel and heartless."

He pressed his lips to my temple before heading down the hall. "Not everyone." He said quietly.

My heart ached. He'd gone through hell and back for nought. He deserved so much more than what he had. From what I'd observed, however, it seemed he was perfectly happy with his little girls. How he loved them. I left the library, making it a promise that I'd probably return.

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