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The students filed into the Great Hall one after the other. I sat between the Headmistress and the Potions' Master. They both seemed ridiculously impatient. Had they always been that way? Minerva patted my hand soothingly, turning to face me. "Hermione, dear, you'll do fine. They'll love you."

I sighed. "That's what I'm afraid of. What if I haven't the authority to be a teacher? Have you seen the shoes I have to fill?"

She pressed her hand to her lips to keep from laughing out loud. "Yes, I suppose you have a point. I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you. You managed to keep Potter and Weasley in line for years! You'll do well."

I turned to face the Hall as the Sorting began. From the corner of my eye, I saw Snape's lips curl into a slight smile at hearing the end of our conversation. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on the first years.


The man beside me leaned over in his seat and spoke into my ear. His warm breath causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin. "She's right, you know. You worry far too much. You'll do very well, Miss Granger."


I turned to look him in the eye and swallowed thickly. "Thank you, Professor."

He straightened in his chair. "Don't disappoint me."

Pushing my hair back from my face, I fixed my posture and looked out at the students. "I haven't the intention to."

He smirked. That was the last time I spoke to him during supper.

After the students had been excused and sent off to bed, the staff stuck around a tad longer to discuss the next few days, before making plans to meet in the staff room later that night, when everyone was done their rounds and the children were sleeping.

Snape motioned for me to follow him after he'd risen from the table. Seeing it as the logical thing to do, I quickly put down my napkin and hurried over to him, seeing as he was already halfway out the door. Once I reached his side, he offered me his arm. I took it carefully, not exactly sure what to expect. We kept walking, sending the pupils on their way, ensuring they went to the Common Rooms.

I noticed a change in his posture as he walked. Having been around him several hours a day for a month, I picked up on his mannerisms and got used to the way he did things. Something was most definitely different, however. It took me a moment to put my finger on it, but when I did, to say I was utterly impressed was an understatement. "Sir!" I exclaimed. "You're walking without your cane."

He nodded, cocking an eyebrow. "Did you really think I'd allow the students to see me incapacitated as I was?"

My face reddened. "I only meant to say that I am amazed at how quickly you've recovered. I thought you said Madam Pomfrey told you you wouldn't be able to walk on your own for quite some time still."

He dipped his head in my direction. "That is why you are by my side, Miss Granger."

I smiled softly. "In case you lose your footing."

"In a matter of speaking."

I looked down to see a young girl pulling at the hem of my dress. I excused myself for a moment and bent down to make eye contact with her. "May I help you?"

The girl had her hair done up in two French braids, tightly plaited down her back. She beamed at me and turned to poke a taller boy behind her. "My big brother was wondering who you were. They didn't present you to us."

I felt my face into a warm smile. "I'm the new Potions' Apprentice. I'll be working with Professor Snape."

She turned to the boy. "See, I told you she was a teacher, Carl!" The young witch turned back to me. "I wanted to say that you look lovely in red. It matches my tie!"

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