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I looked toward the door, shifting away, but he pulled me back to him, his grip tight on my hip. "Ignore it" He breathed, pulling me in again.

I laughed lightly, pulling away to meet his eyes. "Is that why I could never find you when I had questions on your assignments? Because you just ignored everyone."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "They don't call me the dungeon bat for nothing."

I pushed his mussed hair from his face, trailing a finger along his jaw line. I felt him shiver beneath me involuntarily, as a wicked smile split my face. I placed my lips beneath his jaw, pressing passionate kisses to the sensitive skin. A groan escaped him, heating my blood. "I don't see why," I replied, trailing my kisses to his now exposed throat. "You're so alluring, dark, secretive, mysterious, sinful, decadent..." I nipped the spot beneath his ear, causing him to tighten his hold on me. "Carnal."

He captured my lips again, angling my head for more access. Gods, the man was intense. Another knock at the door, this one more anxious, more hurried. He growled, a sound similar to what I'd heard when Ella first approached us. "Where is that godforsaken house elf?" He muttered, sitting me up properly so I was face to face with him. "Minky!"

I placed my hands on his shoulders, tracing patterns into the fabric of his coat. My heart was pounding erratically. There he was, the man I'd wanted for so long, sitting under me, hair a mess, robes pushed aside, coat and shirt open. He looked so incredibly delicious in that moment, and I cursed whoever stood on the other side of the door in the empty classroom.

The house elf appeared in the doorway, twisting her hands in her pillowcase. Although she'd been offered clothing, she refused to leave her master's side. She didn't know anything but the Prince legacy. She couldn't leave her family.

She approached us slowly, an intense blush colouring my face as I realised that I was still sitting rather inappropriately, on my instructor, no less. "Minky has some news for Master." She started. She squeaked at the impatient look he gave her, urging her to get on with it. "Miss Waverly is at the door, sir, she wishes to speak with you."

He frowned, confusion coming across his stern features. "Excuse me." He said, slipping out from beneath me and shrugging out of his coat and robes as he made his way across the room and stepped into his office, leaving the door slightly ajar.

I caught a glimpse of the girl's curls. "Waverly, what are you doing here? I thought you were at home with your sister."

I turned to sit properly on the sofa. I felt that my listening in was intrusive, though he wouldn't have left the door open if he had wanted complete privacy. The girl shook her head. "I'm here for the holidays, papa. Didn't mama tell you? Mavis is spending the break with Auntie and Uncle, with the other children."

I heard a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "So many lies." He said to himself, looking back down at his daughter. "She's with Camille? I didn't know she'd gotten married."

"No- um, yes. Yes, she's with Aunt Camille. That's right. That's what mama said." She fiddled with her fingers before looking up at him. "You aren't upset, are you? I know you and mama fought again."

My heart squeezed. Poor thing, she just wanted her parents to get along. All the drama must be hard on a young teen. I heard him sigh. "Not with you, I'm not." He kneeled and pulled her into his arms. She was quite petite for a 13-year-old.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely, as though it was the last chance she'd have. She stepped back after a few minutes and smiled grandly. "I know we aren't a proper family," She started quietly. "But I really do love you, papa. Even if I don't get to see you much. You sacrificed so much for us. I wish mama could see it."

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