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We sat in the living room before the fire with plates of pie that Minky and Waverly had so carefully prepared for Hogwarts' Potions' professor. They had made his favourite dessert, what other than blueberry pie for the lover of the small fruit? The girls sat on the carpeted floor, playing with a few toys, the house elf was dusting the shelves, humming quietly to herself.

I sat on the couch, leaning against the man's tall frame, sitting comfortably in his embrace. He was playing with my curls, occasionally pressing gentle kisses to the top of my head. I sighed, leaning further into his arms. He chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest, rumbling against my back.

"Hermione," He said quietly. I shivered at the sound of my name rolling off his tongue. I turned my face to look at him, and he pecked my jaw. "I'm going to get the children ready for bed."

I stood with him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let me help." I replied. He seemed inclined to dispute, but the girls had other plans.

"Henry!" The baby shrieked, crawling over to me. "Henry, Henry, Henry!"

I laughed, picking her up into my arms. She yawned and leaned into my shoulder, snuggling into the warm, soft velvet of my dress. My robes hung long forgotten on the coat rack by my cloak, his hanging next to mine. I smiled sweetly, feigning innocence. "Looks like I'll be taking the baby upstairs."

I started to make my way up the rickety old stairs of the ancient house, rocking an exhausted Mavis in as I went. Once in her room, I set her in her crib, pulling a small blanket over her little legs. She was so sweet, sleeping so peacefully.

I wondered if I'd ever sleep so soundly. Probably not. Night terrors took over my every thought, despite whether or not I wanted to. I left the room, walking down the hall. I turned into a room on the left, laughter attracting my attention. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall. My heart warmed as I took in the scene. The girl's father was transfiguring things, redecorating her bedroom, changing the colour of the walls and her bedspread.

He flicked his wand in her direction, she was suddenly dressed in fluffy purple pyjamas. She squealed in delight and ran over to him, hugging his midsection. "Thank you, papa!" She said. She turned away and crawled into bed, holding a stuffed bear to her chest.

He smiled at her, pulling the blankets over her shoulders, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, darling." He tapped his wand to a small wooden box on her dresser. A twinkling melody drifted from it, sending the girl to sleep with its eerie calmness.

She sighed happily and curled into a ball, falling asleep easily. "I love you, papa." She called, before succumbing to her exhaustion.

I fiddled with the pendant hanging from the chain around my neck. He had a lovely family, it wasn't fair he didn't get to see them more often than he did. He joined me in the corridor, eyeing me carefully. I smiled shyly, lowering my gaze. He was so intimidating. He came closer, standing over me. Placing a finger under my chin, he tilted my head back to meet my eyes. I swallowed thickly. "I was just thinking that I ought to get back to the castle..." I saw something flash through his eyes. Hurt. "Professor McGonagall will be wondering where I am."

He recovered quickly, masking his emotions. "Minerva is well aware of your whereabouts. You may stay here for the night if you wish. There is a spare room down the hall. If you wish to return to Hogwarts, you may use the Floo."

I felt my face heat. "I don't mean to be any inconvenience to you, sir."

The man who'd stolen my heart chuckled, sweeping me into his arms. "You are no inconvenience. I assure you."

I leaned into his chest, taking in his warmth, his smell, the sound of his steady heartbeat. He kissed the top of my head, breathing in deeply. I felt his lips curve into a smile against my scalp. I looked up at him, and he merely shook his head, lost in thought. "Thank you," I whispered as he leaned in to touch his forehead to mine. "For a wonderful day."

I suppose he heard the tremor in my voice, for he held me tighter to him. "What is it?"

I nuzzled my face into the fabric of his white button-up. "I think it might be best if I return to Hogwarts... I don't want to wake the girls."

He sighed, caressing the curls of my hair, trailing his hand down to my shoulders and back again, repeating the comforting motion. "I could give you a draught, there are instruments to aid in such situations."

I gathered all my courage to phrase my next request. Thank Merlin I couldn't see his face, I would have never been able to ask. "Could you hold me again? Like you did yesterday..."

He stilled, I could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. He gulped, almost nervously. "Miss Granger, I hardly think that's appro-"

I met his eyes, pulling the fabric of his shirt to me. "Please," I asked. "I've never slept so soundly. You make me feel so safe."

He sighed, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Waverly won't approve, you realise that, don't you?" My face reddened. "A part of her still hopes that this is all a bad dream, that any moment, Ella is going to walk through that door and kiss her goodnight."

My heart sank. "And if she did?" He shook his head, but I insisted. "Say she did, what then?"

The corner of his mouth lifted. "I'd let her say happy Christmas and kick her out. Isn't bloody likely that she'd show up anyway. She hated this place." I wrapped my arms around my torso, protecting myself. He sensed my discomfort, stepping closer still, our faces a breath apart. "She isn't here," he started. "You are."

I sniffled, holding back tears. "She still loves you."

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against him. "I think it's time for bed." He said. "You've been up too long."

I nodded, following him down the hall to the master bedroom. The room was elegant, just as he was. Tasteful minimalist decorating, the walls painted a rich mahogany. I ran my hand along a bookshelf, taking note of all the titles, trailing a finger down the ageing spines of the older tomes.

"I didn't take you for someone who'd have such an intense room colour," I mentioned, turning back to him. "Or such a large bed, either. So roomy."

He was leaning against the doorframe, a smirk playing on his lips. "Clearly you don't know me very well."

I eyed the large canopy bed warily. An unsettling churning in the pit of my stomach made me nervous. I turned to him, pulling my hair over one shoulder, running my fingers through it. "Maybe I should just stay in the guest room..."

He closed his eyes briefly, letting out a sigh. "Hermione, it really is no trouble at all. I don't mind."

I scratched the back of my neck, looking down at the floor. "No, sir, it was wrong of me to impose such a preposterous idea," I replied, holding back my emotions. "I'm sorry."

I tried to walk past him, into the corridor, but he caught me around the waist, pulling my back against his chest. He buried his face into my curls, breathing in deeply, his arms tight around me. "Where are you going?" He asked, pressing kisses to the top of my head, the back of my ear, the side of my throat. "What is this really about, hm?"

I sighed, leaning back into him, allowing him to lead me through the doorway and sit on the edge of the bed. He pulled me close so that I was practically sitting in his lap, lowering his head to speak into my ear. His warm breath on my cool skin sent tremors through my body. "It's just one night, Hermione. We will both sleep soundly, that is, if you'll allow it."

I fiddled with his fingers, trying to remain focused. I swallowed hard, nervous of my next words. "I don't feel comfortable sleeping where you've made love to another woman." I let out, feeling panicked. What if he got upset? He had a nasty temper...

He took a deep breath and pulled my shoulders against him, wrapping long, muscled arms around my torso. I leaned my head into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. There was a moment of silence before he spoke. It was tense, unsure, and so very demanding. Everything was still so new between us, we'd gone a lifetime disregarding the other, only to find ourselves wrapped in each other's embrace. He was so strong, nearly invincible. A pillar of power and steadiness. In a different way, I was strong too. I had witnessed terrors most could only fear and dream of. 

But we... We were so very fragile. I didn't even know what 'we' were. The fear that I was only a toy to him came back to me. I didn't want it to be true, it couldn't be true. 

Could it?

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