"How can you tell that?" I was embarrassed and I wasn't sure why, the act of sex hadn't embarrassed me at tr time. But talking about it after all that had happened hurt, I'd given him a gift I could only give once and he'd still betrayed me. 

"Because you look older, I mean it's either that or you've grown up loads this last year" I nodded thinking, looking Into Nicky's bright eyes I made a decision. A decision that could have changed my life.  

"Bit of both to be honest with you Nicks" He frowned not pushing the subject, he knew me well enough to know I'd tell him in time. He smiled, grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms.  

"Were going out now, so I think you should be ready to dance" Oh dear god. Ever since I mentioned taking a dance class at school to be able to dance well at prom he's been obsessed.  

"Oh, and you'll need to look girls because its a beauty pageant" He ran out of the room. He had to be kidding me, no way could I go up against American girls in a beauty pageant. Hell no. 

"No no no!" I grabbed a dress that was black with a small white belt, white heels and a white bolero. That would do, I wasn't making an effort when I knew there was no way in hell I would win.  

"Hurry up!" I flounced into the front room half an hour later after my shower, my hair straight around my face and my makeup applied gracefully. I walked down the stairs and turned into the front room and stopped absolutely shocked beyond words.

Nicky was sat there with my aunt, uncle, and mother. I stood shocked noticing the clothes they were wearing, Nicky wore a dark rich blue suit that accented his assets well, aka his muscled arms and shoulders, Mum was wearing a light green dress printed with huge white Lillie's and a few frills that hung from the centre of the neck line where her cleavage showed decently. My uncle was wearing a pair of faded light jeans, a white shirt and a black tie. My uncle never dressed up, he was the typical American surfer dude, so for him to be dressed like that he must have gone to a real effort. And my Aunt had a little black dress that came to above her knee and was strapless, she wore white pearls on her wrists and neck, and her earrings were dangling black and white beads. Guessing the whole colour-scheme had been her idea then...

"What's going on?" I asked hesitantly, completely bemused as to why my Aunt and Uncle were here and not on holiday like they'd planned, and even more bemused as to why my Mother was here. I bet she was checking up on me...except if that was the case then she would have text or called. Not turned up here thousands of miles away from her business. 

"Happy Birthday!" Nicky could hardly control his excitement, he was bouncing around nervously hiding something behind his back. I was shocked, it was July, and my birthday was at the end of the month. Didn't they think it was a bit early yet... to be having a party. 

"My Birthday is the end of July Nicky" I knew it must of sounded flat because he looked at his feet. I couldnt help but just stare at my mum who was looking both happy and concerned with my reaction to this news, obviously she had had this planned the whole time. So much for me being able to take care of myself. 

"Well, we got you out here the day before we went on holiday because we couldn't miss our only nieces eighteenth!" My Aunt chimed like she had made some remarkable discovery and needed to tell the world about it. My uncle casually brought out a neatly wrapped present from under the sofa and then a slightly smaller, and more scruffily wrapped one. One was in black and white swirly paper and was quite clearly from my Aunt who had some apparent obsession with those two colours, the smaller was in brown package paper and had a small green bow. I took it that was from my Uncle. 

"Awww you really didn't have to, its just another Birthday" I smiled happily, I'd always loved opening presents and tearing at the paper to see what goodies were hidden inside. 

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