Bonus Chapter 2: Liam and Vanessa

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I really hope you don't think this is word vomit...*runs away*

Happy Reading! 😊


The sorrow, the grief and the heavy weight my heart suddenly endured didn't prepare me for seeing my son's grave. My first Miracle. The one who had grown inside my belly for months. The one who was ripped away from me just a week before his eyes was supposed to meet mine. The one who didn't feel a motherly touch, warmth and love. The one who was now in heaven watching over us, growing without me or his father by his side.

But then I smiled. A smile that was nostalgic but held a sense of relief. At least he had his grandmother and great grandmother with him. He wasn't alone.

We came to a stop in front of three angelic graves. Liam hand around mine tightened. I brought his hand up and kissed his rough skin. He wasn't just reliving, experiencing and having a heartache for one death. But three deaths. One after another. Three death which impacted him strongly throughout his life. 

Matthew blinked, his head that had been resting on Liam's shoulder suddenly lifted. Brown eyes studied us before he his gaze fell on the grave before us. Specifically, his grave. Matt stared, his little gloved curled hand went to his mouth as he continued to watch. Blink. He stared silently, his eyes never breaking away as if he felt a connection with the grave. He began making small baby noises. Then he went back to resting his head on his father shoulder, his eyes studying our surroundings. 

Something in my heart fluttered. The baby talk to the grave. Almost like an invisible conversation. I shook my head and stared back at the three graves. I knelt down and laid a flower on each grave, lasting a little longer on my son's grave. Smiling and silently talking to him. Like I've been doing with each visit. Sometimes I talked about everything and sometimes about nothing. Nonetheless, I loved the bond we're creating. The closer connection I felt with him. I talked and Liam listened. Other days, it was Liam who was talking while I listened. It was our family moment together. The four of us. The six of us.

I tried to swallow my next forming words, but no matter what I couldn't ignore my trigging question in my head. I licked my dry lips and asked. " you think it's possible for us to have another..."

Liam's hand froze. I could feel his whole body becoming rigid hard. Stiff. I was afraid that his heart stopped as well, because he was hardly breathing anymore. I clenched my eyelids close suddenly regretting even bringing it up.

"You want...fuck." It broke my heart hearing the pain and guilt dripping from his tone. The tone of being helpless. Liam shifted his body to mine, his grey eyes matched the emotions of his voice. Of his words. "I'm sorry-"

I shook my head, hating how he apologized yet again. "Don't apologize, please. I just...I don't know. Coming here made me...want..." another Miracle. It made me miss the feeling, the weight of a little human growing inside me, it made me miss caressing my stomach until I felt a small kick.

And I was being selfish. I have Matthew. I have Matthew, my little Miracle who was now sound asleep on his father's arms. Tears began to well, a disgusting wave settle over me of ever wishing for something impossible. Matthew is our world, our soul and our beating heart. The reason of the happiness Liam and I was experiencing. He was the one who healed us from our grief, our loss and our sadness. He was more than enough for us. For me.

"Forget it, Liam." I sadly smiled up at him and kissed his lips, the stubble tickling my skin. "I'm happy to have two men in my life. I'm whole with you two by my side. Forever."

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