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June 12, 2006


A heavy headache aches and I winced at the sharp pain. My body was for some reason tense and frozen and as I tried to move a little, I felt my headache increase. My eyelids were closed, they were too tired to open. I could feel the warm summer light shining inside the bedroom, that also halted me from opening my eyes. Finding the little bit of strength I moved my body to one side, away from the glowing light expecting to cuddle with my pillow.

Only my body met another body.

For a moment, I panicked but then I felt as a hand touched the depth of my waist in a slow gentle circle. I relaxed. However, I had a weird nagging feeling about this touch. But I pushed it aside as a smile rested slowly upon my lips.


Liam, was here beside me.

Suddenly a deep warm blush appeared on my face as recognition stuck to me.

Did we do it?

Did we make love for the first time?

A wave of happiness washed over me. We finally did it. After two years of dating, I told him I was ready to lose my virginity to him. Only him. I was fully his. We would become one.

But why couldn't I remember anything? I dig deeper into my mind, trying to find any sort of clue or memory of last night. But the only thing that came to mind was when we were holding hands as we walked together into our graduation party at Blake's - Liam's best friend's - house. We promised Blake that we would only stay for one hour and then we would disappear. Liam had booked a room for us in the best hotel in Manhattan, and we were meant to drive there and explore the night with our passion and bodies.

But, why can't I remember anything after that.

I wasn't drunk last night. He wasn't drunk. We made a deal to not drink one sip of alcohol throughout the party. Our first night together would be perfect for both of us. Sober and not drunk.

I felt a face getting closer to mine, it buried itself in the crook of my neck and I felt a soft kiss just under my ear. I waited to feel the warmth and sparks that my body usually explodes with whenever Liam touches me. But, nothing came. Instead, I felt unsure. I felt my skin get cold from the unfamiliar touch. However, before I could open my eyes and learn what was wrong I suddenly felt a pair of lips being pressed against mine and they started slowly to suck on my bottom lip.


This was strange.

I was ready to pull away when a familiar voice yelled from outside the room. "Nessa. Babe, where are you?"


But he was here? In bed with me.


"Nessa! Where ar-" His voice came closer and closer till I heard a door being pushed open.

I pulled away from the lips that were kissing me with force. I opened my eyes ready to see Liam's memorizing grey eyes staring back at me, eyes that never failed to always make my knees weak. But I didn't see his grey eyes. I saw brown eyes. A gasp came through my lips as I saw who it was.

"What the fuck?" I heard Liam snap with fury.

My heart was beating a million times faster than a normal human being. In front of the door stood Liam. His beautiful grey eyes that were always soft, were now turning into shock before they turned dark. His eyes traveled between my body and the other person's body, until they settled to my eyes again.

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