Chapter Nine

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Check out this lovely cover I have received from a reader! Thank you so so so much! I freaking love it! Cover made by angelhearts_h from Instagram!

Warning :Recommended to 17+ Contains *cough cough* explicit scene *cough*
I need to add smut here and there, you know....*wink*

August 16, 2016


It was my father's birthday, and I have woken up early in the morning to make his favorite pie. Apple pie. I knew it was his favorite pie, whenever he ate something sweet apple pie would be his first choice. I knew that from watching afar. 

And I have done it on every single birthday of his. 

I just hope this birthday won't end up like every other birthday of his.  

Standing in front our big Estate, I took a deep breath to collect myself. I was extremely nervous. I didn't have a good relationship with my father, but I have tried over the years , actually since the minute I was born, to try to please him. I wanted him to notice me. I wanted him to look at me with warmth and love. Just like any other father and daughter relationship. 

But over the past years my father had showed nothing but hate towards me. Only because I reminded him of my mother. I have been told that I looked a lot like my mother. Sure, I had her appearance, but I wanted my father to see past that. I would never hurt him like my mother did to him. 

I just wanted his fatherly love.

Standing straight I opened the doors and let myself in. It was empty. How could my father live here alone. Didn't he feel lonely? 

I would move in, but a glare from him made me change my mind. 

Paying him visit was enough. 

I could particularly feel as sweat was starting to build on my forehead as I continued to walk further in. The Estate was indeed beautiful. Everything was modern. From ceiling to floor it was elegant, rich and clean. Expensive furniture was laid out perfectly. You could see staircases that lead to upper floor.  

I gulped when I saw my father coming down from the staircase, his face hard as ever. His hands deep inside his pockets. My hands trembled around the warm cake pan where the apple was safely warm and fresh.  I had wrapped a white fabric around it so my hands wouldn't burn. The apple pie was homemade, newly baked and warm. 

Not until he was at the end of the stairs did he notice me. And when he looked at me I saw the same emotions I have been used to see all my life. Hatred and disgust. He loathed me. Completely.  

I suddenly regret coming here. Liam have warned me not to come, that it will end badly. But I never listen to him. I believed that someday my father would change his mind about me. 

But looking at him, I knew I was stupid for coming here in the first time. 

Holding back the tears I let out a small smile, holding the cake pan in front of me. "Happy birthday, father. I made you apple pie. I hope you like it." 

I was proud of myself for not stuttering. I kept my voice calm and small as I continued to look at my father. His face was emotionless. He stood there for a moment staring at me and then at the pie, before he took the last steps and stood in front of me. 

My heart was beating fast. He could see my hands trembling as I held it upright. 

No daughter should feel this scared of her father. 

But I was terrified. 

He nodded at the pie. "How long did it took to make it?" 

I was surprised. Why did he want to know that? However I gave him an answer. 

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