Chapter Fifteen

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A beautiful cover made by Lubna Fatima from Instagram! I love you, beautiful! =)

A beautiful cover made by Lubna Fatima from Instagram! I love you, beautiful! =)

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Warning :Recommended to 17+ Contains *cough cough* explicit scene *cough*

September 23, 2016


Underneath the hard man, lies a broken boy.

I remember my father's words and only now did I see the meaning of them, the depth of them. His twisted and sorrowful past made him who is. Made him do what he did. I understood that. I could see it in front of my eyes. Everything was falling into one clear picture.

Suddenly I felt like I was seeing Liam Edwards for the first time. It felt like I was meeting him for the first time. Years ago I thought I knew him and in a way I did. But not this deeply. When we were together he had told me about his life, but never in full detail. He always left room for air, mystery and an illusion of knowing how his story ended without actually knowing it.

I recalled a memory when I had asked him about his mother. His respond had always been 'she left'.

At that time I thought she was alive somewhere in our world but that she choose to stay away and not wanting to have any sort of relationship with her husband and children. Liam made me think that way because he created that illusion in my head, and I never pushed him thinking that he eventually would open up. I thought we would be together for longest time, but I never expected that he would vanish away from my life for ten years.

I knew he had hard time raising his sister by himself, that was a fact that I knew already. I knew his childhood was different but I never knew how different it was. It was darker than I thought. Bloodier. And Liam had done excellent job hiding his dark shadows that was lingering around him. Or perhaps I have been too blind not seeing them? He always been calm around me, almost like he was at peace.

I had my reasons, he had said to me and I saw them.

Cheating. His mother had cheated on his father. And that loathsome word, his twisted past had followed him as he grew up. He had saved his own mother by killing her, but the end results of what she did destroyed Liam. It made his and Melissa childhood turn into black ink. A nightmare. Living with a father who cared for one child and hate the other one. But even if Andrew cared about his son, he showed it in the worst possible way. He made his own son believe that every woman was like his own wife. It was hard believing that he went as far to tie him up in a chair and starve him for days until he agreed. Until it controlled his mind. The day he had left me was also the day he had lost another woman he cared about, it made it impossible for him to see what was right and what was wrong, the broken boy inside of him had came out. That was the reason why he left me the way he did.

Despite everything he had put me through, he had but us thought and despite all the pain we had shared while still being far from each other I still couldn't help myself as I moved closer to him until my arms were wrapped around his head and gently brought it to my chest. Like he was a broken boy.

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