Chapter Four

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I was still in bed, my body too tense to move. But I took the last strength inside of me to stand up, wrapping the white sheet around my body. Before I began making my way over to the fight, my eyes suddenly shifted down to a red colored stain that rested on the white sheet. It haunted me. More tears fell as I felt a deep wave of disgust washing over my body. With a shaking body, I stalked towards Liam that was beating the hell out of Blake nonstop.


July 31, 2016


Balancing the box in my arms, I waited for the elevator doors to open. My night shift had come to its end and before I had a chance to walk away Nancy - an amazing and loving lady that worked in the kitchen department - insisted I take home some left overs. I didn't complain, after all my salary this month was going to be low. Part of it would go to rent, part of it to Layla's education while the rest of my salary would go for food. And I knew the rest was going to be low. Right now, a free meal was nothing for me to complain about.

The box was average size. She must have filled the box with food that would last a lifetime. I smiled. Nancy has a way of knowing when a person is down on their luck and in need of some assistance.

Hearing a click, the doors of the elevator opened. With my attention on the heavy box in my arms, I stepped inside the elevator. Three walls, the middle wall had a mirror that gave the guest the opportunity to see their reflection, in case they needed to. The doors behind me closed and I was about to set the box on the floor and click on the floor I wanted to go to when my move halted.

"Ahh...yes." I heard a feminine moan.

Oh gosh.

No, please no.


My eyes opened, I hadn't realized that they fluttered closed. However, the sight I saw in front of me made me wish that I hadn't opened my eyes at all.

Liam had a blonde woman against the wall. His big hands were gripping the globes of her rear and every now and then his hands would go under her naked tights stroking and clenching the flesh. He was holding her up, his body between her legs. Deep between her legs. Her head was rolled back against the wall as her full red lips were slightly open, breathing out a moan after moan. Her blouse was half way open showing her perfect cleavage as Liam was kissing the valley between them with his lips and tongue. Her hands were stroking his hair, bringing him closer to her. His jacket was half way down his shoulders, showing his white dress shirt. His black tie was undone loosely hanging down.

"Oh my god." I squealed making them suddenly turn their attention to me.

Liam's head turned sideways - his head still between her full breasts - watching me in a lazy manner. The blonde woman looked at me with her piercing blue eyes. Annoyance clearly written all over her face.

I suddenly felt out of place. Miles away. I felt like I didn't belong here. Which I truly didn't. A dark shade of red venom ran through my blood making my face heat up. Shit. Shit. I saw a glimpse of surprise flickering across Liam's eyes before his lips returned to a lazy smile. Or more like a smirk. His eyes watched me, boring into my green orbs as if he could see deep within my soul.

However, our eye contact was interrupted by the blonde woman. Her long fingers with the deepest shade of red nails took hold of Liam's rough cheeks and turned his attention to her.

Liam is an extremely busy business man. Catching a glimpse of him was next to impossible. He was hardly around and when he was, it was only to have dinner with his sister every night.

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