Planes, planes, planes

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This was it. Caitlin's last day having the security blanket that was her husband for three whole months. Caitlin was trying not to fall apart entirely, and was literally forcing back tears. But she had to be brave, for her husband and her children as much as herself.

It was 4am. Jackson's flight was at 9, so they planned on getting to the airport for 7. Thankfully, none of the kids were awake yet, so Cate and Jax were free to embrace what little alone time they had left.

Caitlin walked up from behind Jackson and wrapped her arms securely around his waist. Jax turned around and kissed her forehead. "I'll do the folding, you do the packing?" Cate asked, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Sure. Thanks honey." "You're welcome baby. Besides, as your wife, isn't this like my moral duty?!" Caitlin responded, to which both her and Jackson chuckled. "I thought you were a feminist!" "Oh trust me, I am. Feminist and proud!" She said, raising one tiny fist in a salute and grinning fearlessly. "But anyway, that was just my sarcastic comment about the ball and chain that is society's perception of the female role." Jackson laughed heartily at this. "Now there's the Caitlin I know and love."

As the packing progressed, Jackson's suitcase was becoming fuller, and more obviously packed by someone who stress-organised, by the minute. And as Jax's side of the wardrobe became emptier, Jackson and Caitlin became quieter, and the space between them evolved into a huge, pit-like void.

Sighing, Jackson decided he could take no more. "When words won't speak, let the power of dance tell the story." He said, bowing low, and holding his hand out to Caitlin. "Who said that?" "I did. Now c'mon, dance with me!" Caitlin paused, considering. It only took a cheeky "I'm waiting!", from her husband to convince her. She sighed, smiling as that all too familiar light lit up her eyes, setting her whole face aglow. This was the woman Jackson had fallen so deeply in love with. Caitlin took his hand without a second thought, and together they glided around the bedroom.

By now it was 6 am, and Jackson and Caitlin were busy getting themselves ready to go. This process took much longer than it usually did, as each of them needed to prepare themselves mentally for the events which were yet to unfold. They were also avoiding each other, not that they'd ever admit to that, as they knew that when they faced each other, their walls would crumbling down, as neither of them could be anything but honest with the other. It was both their greatest strength as a couple, and their biggest weakness as individuals, as anyone who threatened to harm their partner could convince either of them to do anything.

Finally, they were ready. Caitlin wore a white dress with a yellow floral print, with nude heels, a nude structured patent bag, and a yellow cardigan. While Jackson opted for a pale blue pinstriped button down, a black jumper, jeans, and converse. Since it was approaching half 6, all three of the kids were awake, and so the pair's focus was now on getting them fed and ready to go.

Caitlin had just clothed the twins, and was about to begin the long accessorising process when a pair of strong, secure hands covered her own as a voice said "Hey, let me." She turned, and was greeted with her husband's lips, pressed firmly against her own. "Austin's all ready to go. He's playing with his trains." Jackson said once the pair had pulled apart. Caitlin nodded and half stated, half questioned "You want a minute with the girls." Jax nodded slowly. "If that's ok." Cate cupped her husband's jaw in her hand and used it to pull his face towards her as she kissed his cheek. "Of course it's ok, it's always ok. Hell, it's more than okay, they're your daughters too honey-" Jackson wisely chose to interrupt her there. "Honey. A simple yes would have sufficed!" He said with his trademark grin. Caitlin smiled right back. "Ok, ok, I get it!" She replied, walking away. Turning slightly as she said "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Once Caitlin arrived downstairs, she curled up on the armchair in the playroom where, as Jax had said, Austin was busy playing with his trains. Suddenly she heard a noise emanating from a corner of the room. She suddenly realised it was coming from the baby monitor. Jax was talking to the twins.

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