There are plans to be made

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Caitlin was slowly but surely beginning to see the negative pregnancy side effects that she'd been experiencing recently fade, and she was so glad that they were as in approximately 7 days time, she'd be holding Taylor and Autumn in her arms. She was so excited! Though it still surprised her that, at 20 years old, she was pregnant with twins and had a 2 year old son! But she loved her family, and she couldn't imagine her life any other way.

"Hey there beautiful!" Jackson said, rousing Caitlin from her impromptu daydream. She gasped, jumped a little, and then composed herself. Jackson smiled at this. "How are you feeling today Cate?" "Better actually. Much better than I have been." "Well that's great!" He frowned. "But why aren't you happy about it?" "I am, I just... worry that it could be a bad thing." "Cate. Don't even go there. I know you, you're over-thinking every little detail when you don't need to! Just take a deep breath, relax, and let me take care of you." He said, his voice smooth, melodic, and soothing as he gently pulled Caitlin onto his lap, kissing her hair. Caitlin felt her husband's chest rise and fall behind her, and slowly relaxed. "Ok, I'm calm." "Good," he said, Caitlin could hear the smile in his speech. "Now. Godparents. We really need to sort them out." "Yes! We really do. Ok, so we've got Claire for Taylor, and Elsie for Autumn so far." Jackson nodded in agreement., and waited for her to continue. "So shall we continue with the godmothers?" "Sure, lets. Ok, so, how about Emma?" Emma was a 24 year old colleague of Jackson's who Caitlin had originally believed fancied her husband, but actually turned out to be married herself. She ways very pretty, really tall and had blonde hair similar to Caitlin's (except she had a fringe) and she had lovely bluey green eyes. Over the months, her and Caitlin had become really close, Emma acted as a cool, older sister to Caitlin, and her and Jackson also became good friends. In surmise, Emma was the perfect candidate. "Yes! Em is perfect! She just screams 'I'm the kind of person you'd trust to look after your kids if anything ever happened to you!'And, she is like a 2 in 1 gift offer. Her and Andrew can be godparents! Oh this is so exciting." "Yeah. That's all well and good, but who will they be godparents for? Should we have each of them be a god parent for one of our daughters, or have them both be a godparent to the same daughter?" He asked, deep in thought. "Well done baby, that's a great question!" Caitlin said faux-condescendingly and sarcastically. "Cate. C'mon." "Ok, sorry. Ummm... I think our best bet is letting them godparent one twin each, that way, if anything really does happen to them the twins are more likely to stay together." "That's true! That's great. So who are we paring with who?" "You can choose." "You sure?" Caitlin nodded reassuringly. "Ok. I think Emma should be Taylor's godmother and Andrew should be Autumn's godfather." "Alright, that's those two sorted then. So we need a godfather for Tay and a godmother for A." "Yep. Do you want to choose the godmother, and I'll choose the godfather?" "How stereotypical of you, but alright, why not? I think... Jenna. Jenna should be Autumn's godmother." Jenna was another of Caitlin's close friends, and she was her mother's goddaughter, and also the daughter of her mum's best friend. "Jenna. Yes, she's great. We haven't seen her in a little while. I think she'll be a wonderful godmother." "Good, I'm glad you agree. Otherwise you would've just had to deal with it. After all, we both know that a pregnant Caitlin is a stubborn, and sassy, one!" She said grinning. "I certainly do. All too well. But don't you mean more stubborn!" He said, winking slyly. "Oh shut up! Stop diverting from the topic! Have you decided on Taylor's godfather yet?" "I sure have. It''s obvious;' Jake." "Of course!!! Jake's great, and he's so good with Austin. You're right, good call baby." "Why thank you." "Anytime." She smiled. "Now, Jaxy, we need to ask them to be godparents." "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" Caitlin whacked Jackson on the head with a pillow. "You pitiful fool!!!"

"Cate! Jax! Austin! What are my three favourite people doing here?!" Emma asked, smiling and greeting them all with a hug. "Hey! What about me?!" Andrew asked, faux-pouting. "Sorry hon, you're a close fourth." She responded, winking at her husband, who responded by rolling his eyes. "Shall we go into the lounge?" Andrew asked, ever the great host. Jackson nodded, whilst Caitlin said "Yes please, that would be lovely."

Once everyone had been seated, including Austin who perched on his mum's lap while playing with the key ring on her bag, Emma raised a questioning, and perfectly plucked, eyebrow. "Ok, so what is it you wanted to talk to us about?" She asked. At this Caitlin turned to her husband, who shook his head lightly and squeezed her thigh in comfort. Sighing, Caitlin began to talk. "Ok, since Jax is too much of a wuss, I will tell you what we came here to talk about. Or rather, ask the two of you." She began, her words resulting in the couple brandishing equally quizzical expressions. "As you know, the twins will be born very soon, and although we don't want to christen them we do want to give them godparents, like we did Austin. So, will you be their godparents?" Caitlin asked. Both Emma and Andrew gasped, their mouths agape and eyes wide. Then their gasps turned to squeals and they smiled widely. "Of course we will! That would be amazing!" "Oh my! Thank you, so so much! We would be delighted! Oh what an honour!" "Thank you for accepting guys, this means the absolute world to us." Jackson said, the honesty in his voice prominent. "Are we both going to be the godparent for one of your daughters?" Emma asked in excitement and curiosity. "No. We figured that if you both godparent one of our daughters each if anything does happen to us they can be together, rather than split apart." Caitlin explained. "Now that, is some tactical thinking." Andrew stated. "It was all Cate's idea." Jackson said proudly. "Of course it is, it wouldn't be your idea now would it Jackson?" Emma asked rhetorically with a cheeky smile on her face. "Hey! I come up with innovative ideas too, don't I honey?" He said. "Yes baby, you do, you're a clever little thing." Caitlin said patronisingly. "No, I'm kidding Jax, you truly do, you're a great intellectual being." She said, defending her husband. "See! I'm a great intellectual being!" Jackson remarked, crossing his arms and showing off to Emma. "Emma, Jackson, will you stop acting like children! Austin is more behaved than the two of you!" At Andrew's words Jackson and Emma instantly behaved. Andrew then continued: "Now, Caitlin, you still haven't told Emma and I which of your daughters we will be godparents for." "Oh yes, I forgot about that, sorry guys! Alrighty, Emz, you will be Taylor's godmother, and Andrew you will be Autumn's godfather." "Oh this is so exciting! I will treat Taylor as one of my own, I promise." Emma swore. "And I will do the same for Autumn." Andrew agreed. "That's great, we really do appreciate this." "Yes, thank you guys, this means so much to the two of us." "Don't worry about it, it's an honour." "Yes, it truly is." "Ok, well we must get going now, Cate needs to rest." "Of course. Well, it's being lovely seeing the three of you." "Yes it's been a pleasure, as always." "Thank you. Bye guys." "Good bye." "See you soon." "Bye."

Jake and Jenna reacted similarly to how Emma and Andrew did, and they both happily accepted their roles as the godparents of the twins, which Caitlin and Jackson were more than relieved about. All in all, things were going swimmingly, and Caitlin and Jackson spent their days waiting in anticipation for the upcoming birth of their twin daughters...

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